Chapter 8 - Endings and New Beginnings

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A/N This book was originally set for 6 chapters, but as I wrote the outline, I felt the emotions and ideas couldn't be contained to just 6.  When I wrote out the outline for it, I had expanded it to 9, but as I wrote out chapters 8 and 9, I realized that it needed more.   It is now set to end at chapter 11 which I'm in the process of writing now... but no promises that I won't add one more.  Sorry if I have annoyed you with the ever-changing number of chapters.  


The corridor resounded with the sharp tap of their footsteps as they hurried towards Qingyang's room. Wen Qing was standing outside the door speaking quietly with a nurse. When she noticed them approaching she nodded to the nurse who ducked into Qingyang's room.

"She's resting," Wen Qing said. "The nurse is in with her now. Let's go talk in my office."

Lan Zhan looked towards Qingyang's room anxiously, and only moved when Wei Ying gave his arm a slight tug. Wei Ying paused outside the office, but Lan Zhan gestured for him to go inside. He knew most of what Wen Qing would want to tell him, but he wanted Wei Ying to be with him to hear it. Wen Qing's office was one of the bigger ones in the hospital. Where Lan Zhan's office was made up of a desk, three chairs, and a couple of filing cabinets, Wen Qing's had an actual seating area with a low table and contemporary chairs.

When they were seated Wen Qing began speaking. "Obviously, when she woke she was confused and anxious which is very normal for coma patients. What we worry about the most for someone that has been unconscious for a prolonged state is the extent of damage to their brain. There could be disabilities and memory loss and these we will need to assess over the next few days. The good news is, she seemed to recognize me and calmed a bit when I told her that you were on the way. She has been non-verbal so far, but that is normal as well."

Lan Zhan nodded in understanding.

"She has been unconscious for over two years, Lan Zhan... I know you understand the extent of the care she will need," she said. Then she garnered a quick glance in Wei Ying's direction before continuing. "Occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and we'll likely have to do a psychological assessment. It will take a lot of time and care."

"I understand," Lan Zhan said, quietly.

"Are you ready for this?" Wen Qing asked. "I know with the decrease in brain activity for the EEG's we were expecting the worst. This is a shock for you... the both of you."

"I would like to see her now," Lan Zhan said and he got up quickly from his chair. 

Wen Qing was quiet as if she was contemplating saying something more before changing her mind and giving him a stoic nod instead. Lan Zhan moved quickly and he almost missed when Wen Qing gave Wei Ying a supportive squeeze on the shoulder.   

Lan Zhan took a deep breath before entering the room alone. He approached cautiously and saw that Qingyang's eyes were closed and she didn't look much different from when she had been unconscious, but as he got closer he noticed that her fingers were moving. He sat down and took her hand in his. "Qingyang," he said. "I'm here."

Her eyes fluttered open and with what seemed like a great effort she turned her head to look at him. She opened her mouth, but no words came out and she frowned in frustration.

"Shhh, it's okay Qingyang, it will take some time. Don't force it."

"W-Wa...Wa," Qingyang tried to say his name and tears filled her eyes.

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