Chapter 3 - Revelations

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The clouds in the sky hung in low sheets, the threat of a summer storm seemed imminent, but they had decided to take a walk on the waterfront despite it. Lunch had been at a trendy noodle house that had both spicy options for Wei Ying and vegetarian ones for Lan Zhan. After lunch neither of them seemed to be in a hurry to be anywhere else.

The usually busy waterfront was quiet, likely due to the weather. They walked side by side on the undulating wooden boardwalk by the water, a socially acceptable distance between them.

"Qingyang and I would often take walks after lunch on weekends," Lan Zhan said suddenly, and then seeing the question in Wei Ying's eyes, he added, "Qingyang is my wife."

If Wei Ying was surprised that Lan Zhan was speaking about his wife, he did not show it. They had not spoken about her outside of the time they had first met.

"We grew up together." Lan Zhan couldn't understand it, but he felt a desperate need to tell Wei Ying everything. "She was my best friend, my only friend really. We went to university together and then I went to med school while she studied law."

Lan Zhan stopped and placed his hands on the railing overlooking the lake. "Then we found ourselves at 27, graduated and working all the time. Dating other people was just such a hassle. Neither of us seemed to have the time, Qingyang didn't have the patience, and I was always awkward with new people. It just seemed natural to take the next step in life with each other, so we decided to get married." He paused and turned to look at Wei Ying before speaking again. "That night when I first met Wei Ying, that was the night of our third year anniversary."

Wei Ying frowned at him. "You spent your anniversary alone in a bar?" he asked, confused.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan felt the lethargy from speaking begin to settle in. His thoughts were all muddled; he hadn't expected to talk to Wei Ying about any of this when he left the apartment earlier today. And now he was making a mess of it. "Things started falling apart a little more than two years ago." He stopped speaking, unable to continue.

"Two years ago? You're still married so you must have worked it out somehow right? How could you not spend time with your wife on your anniversary? Lan Zhan, I've never been married before, but I don't think it was very nice of you to be at a bar when ..."

Lan Zhan turned away from Wei Ying and began walking away.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying grabbed his arm. "I've never asked before and I've respected that you hadn't want to talk about it, but now you have. Please don't walk away. I just want to understand you better."

Neither of them seemed to notice the light drizzle leaving pinpoint droplets in their hair. Lan Zhan still couldn't turn around to face Wei Ying.

"How can I help you, if you won't let me in?" Wei Ying said, pleadingly. He stepped around and in front of Lan Zhan and then his eye widened. He reached up and wiped away the tears. "Lan Zhan? What is it?"

Lan Zhan closed his eyes to shut out the look of shock and concern on Wei Ying's face.

"Lan Zhan..."

He sighed and opened his eyes and stared off into the distance, refusing to meet Wei Ying's gaze. "Qingyang is in a coma, Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said, brokenly. He hadn't really had to voice it to anyone before and saying it aloud felt surreal. "It's been a year and nine months."

"Lan Zhan..." His name was a painful whisper at the end of a shocked exhale.

The misty droplets in their hair had now amassed into larger ones, slowly dripping down onto their faces. The rain picked up and his shirt began to cling to him in the places where the rain soaked through.

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