Chapter 11 - Words are not Enough

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It was odd for Lan Zhan not to hear from Wei Ying throughout the day. Even if he were busy, Wei Ying would still send a quick message. Today he hadn't sent a thing, and when Lan Zhan sent him a message he had left it on read. Now that Lan Zhan had time to reflect, he realized this wasn't the first time Wei Ying had behaved oddly when he had mentioned marriage. A few months ago when Wei Ying mentioned wanting to go to the Amalfi Coast, Lan Zhan had replied with, "We can go there for our honeymoon when we get married."

Wei Ying had twittered nervously and said, "You've only been divorced for four months and you already want to get married again?"

Lan Zhan wanted to pursue the topic, but then Wei Ying had pushed him up against the fridge, fallen to his knees and wrapped his mouth around his cock. All thoughts of anything at that point had dissipated from Lan Zhan's mind.

From that moment on, Wei Ying had been adept at dodging the topic, usually finding something to distract him or laughing it off as a funny joke, and Lan Zhan had not been too bothered by it. But Wei Ying's reaction last night had caused an icy chill to run down Lan Zhan's spine.

They met later that evening and Wei Ying seemed back to his normal self, affectionate and clingy. After dinner, Wei Ying laid his head in Lan Zhan's lap and they watched, Untamed Romania, a documentary on wildlife in Europe. Neither of them brought up what had happened yesterday and Lan Zhan was beginning to feel as if he had imagined it all.

A week later, when they were having dinner at the Jin residence, the topic of marriage was brought up, this time by Jiang Cheng. At the mention of the word, Lan Zhan noticed how Wei Ying's face paled and his fingers tightened on his chopsticks. Lan Zhan looked down at his bowl of rice to try to hide his distress at Wei Ying's reaction.

"Well?" Jiang Cheng pushed for an answer. "Will we be expecting wedding invitations soon?"

"Jiang Cheng," Yanli admonished with a shake of her head.

"A-Jie, it's about time Lan Wangji made an honest man out of our brother," he stated.

"Don't rush them," Yanli said as she placed another piece of chicken into Jin Ling's bowl. She ignored how her son made faces while poking at it, and instead she smiled at her brothers. "Although, I think Xian-Xian would make an extremely handsome groom."

"So Lan Wangji?" Jiang Cheng directed his stern gaze at him. "Are you two planning on getting married soon?"

"I..." Lan Zhan started to say only to be cut off when Wei Ying abruptly chucked his chopsticks onto the table and pushed back his chair.

"Excuse me." His voice was clipped and angry. "I've lost my appetite."

"Wei... Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng spluttered furiously.

Jiang Yanli stared wide-eyed at Wei Ying's retreating back and then gave Lan Zhan a questioning look.

"I will go check on him," Lan Zhan said, quietly.

He found Wei Ying out on the backyard deck staring at Jin Ling's swing set. His heart clenched when Wei Ying's posture stiffened when he approached. "Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying let out a sigh. "I think we should leave now," he said without looking in Lan Zhan's direction.

With apprehension and dread gnawing it's way through his gut, Lan Zhan followed Wei Ying back into the house.

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