Chapter 10 - And the List Goes On

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Lan Zhan knew Wei Ying didn't need to be wooed and he knew it was a bit cheesy to show up with a large bouquet of red roses on their second date, but when Wei Ying answered the door and was shocked into silence, he knew he was doing the right thing.  The truth was Lan Zhan believed Wei Ying deserved to be romanced after everything they had gone through, even if the bond between them was far beyond that of those that were just starting out in a relationship. Wei Ying had kept him together when everything around him was falling apart, asking for nothing in return, but now that he was able to, Lan Zhan wanted to give him his everything and more.

            After Wei Ying put them in a vase, he stood for a long time staring at them.  "Lan Zhan, would you believe no one has ever bought me flowers before?" he mused.  "And I've never wanted anyone to buy me flowers before... always thought they were so cliché."  His hands held one of the blossoms and he dipped his nose to breath in its sweet fragrance.  "Lan Zhan, I..." his eyes misted over and he stared at Lan Zhan in wonder. 

            "I will buy you more flowers," Lan Zhan promised.

            "Okay, yeah... I think I'd really like that." Wei Ying smiled, shyly.

            Lan Zhan cupped Wei Ying's cheek and slowly brought his lips down capturing his mouth in a sweet languid kiss.  "Shall we go to dinner now?" he whispered against Wei Ying's mouth.   Lan Zhan could feel Wei Ying's lips curl up into a smile under his.

            It was another 20 minutes before they left for dinner with both their lips pink and swollen.

            On their third date, they decided to go to the place they had often frequented.  The sky was filled with clouds and the crowd was sparse, much like the first time they were here.   

            "It's so different," Wei Ying said while they walked along the harbourfront. 

            The boardwalk and the view hadn't changed, but Lan Zhan knew that those were not the things Wei Ying was referring to.  It was they that had changed and thus changing their perception of the things around them.

            For Lan Zhan, everything seemed more vibrant now that he no longer needed to mute his feelings for Wei Ying.  He watched as Wei Ying bounded toward the railings overlooking the lake.  He took in the long line of his back and legs as he followed and whereas before he would stand beside him, this time he stood behind him, his hands resting on the railing on either side of Wei Ying. 

            Wei Ying hummed in appreciation as he leaned back against Lan Zhan's chest. 

"Definitely different," Lan Zhan agreed.

            They stood like that for a long time, staring over the water, enjoying each other's closeness.

            It was their fourth date when Lan Zhan felt his control really beginning to slip.  He had been able to keep his growing desire for Wei Ying under control during their formal dinners and long walks, but now with Wei Ying's firm ass seated on his lap, his cock has decided to act on its own accord, filling in and twitching in response.

            Their date had started off with just the two of them out for dinner and then Wei Ying had suggested they go to a lounge for after dinner drinks.  He had heard of a new place that had opened and wanted to check out the competition.  When they arrived Nie Huaisang was there with some friends and they had called Wei Ying over to sit with them. 

            Lan Zhan had pushed Wei Ying towards them knowing Wei Ying was apprehensive to join them, only on account of him.  He knew Wei Ying was concerned about how he would feel, aware of his discomfort around new people.  This would be the first time they would be with Wei Ying's friends as a couple. Something they had never been able to do before and something he wanted Wei Ying to have.

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