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I had a ordinary life I was wanting to become an actor, to accomplish that I had to work for it. "Nothing in life is free" I remembered the words from my mother as I walked up to the bus stop to head home from my college classes. I took some classes to help me get a role as an actor not a big role but a role to get me started  or get ready as I evolve . I was excited to see my mother, because after my mother gave birth to me my good for nothing father started to drink uncontrollably. He said it was from "stress" fourteen years went on with him coming home drunk and wanting something from my mother. The good thing about my mother was she was not a push over, but she was very stubborn.

One night when It was three days from my birthday I was going to turn fifteen I was excited to spend the day with my mom shopping. Because she had to do all the work to pay the bills and nurture me in a loving way. As I was dozing off to sleep I heard a car pull up. And the door slam jolting me from my sleep, I went to my mother who had been waiting so she could just throw him out once again as he does this almost every night.

My mother was five feet and five inches, her long raven hair just barley passing her bottom and her ruffled bangs, with her light hazel brown eyes and her hour glasses shaped body made her look as if she was in her mid twenty's. But in reality she was almost forty years old, before she meet my father she worked as a police officer she was the chief of the department. When she first told me that when I was barley five I was so proud to have a strong mother to teach me about life.
As I realized I made it to the living room,  I asked her if she was alright but she told me to go back to my room. I was a bit irritated as she shooed me away to my room but my stubborn mind kept nagging me to go and make sure that scumbag didn't try anything.

As I was mid way down the stair I heard the door shut and a loud thud and my mother being what sound liked she was being muffled or her mouth being covered. I silently went down the stair case to see him on top of my mother. I thought to my self, "that scumbag dare to lay a hand on my mother." As I was about to run to tackle him, my mother quickly did a quick trick to where she grabbed his hands that was now strangling her neck, she threw her legs on his shoulders causing him to struggle for he was only five feet and eight inches. She lunged her hips forward causing him pain and he groaned in pain because she had almost broke both of his arms. She quickly came to her feet I had forgotten she was the chief of the police department, I was watching with astonishment seeing her move like she was a cat.

He scoffed at my mother saying that he wasn't taking "no" for an answer today. She got irritated just seeing his face by the way her eyes rolled when he said those words. He lunged towards her as she tried to doge the attack he pulled her silky hair and yanked her to the floor. I was infuriated but he's next words had my mother and I In shock. He was now on top of her pinning her arms and legs down with all his weight. He smirked and with the dirtiest and ugliest face his oger looking face could ever make, he said in a deep voice I've never heard him use when he was around he said looking down on my mother. And he said, " I will make love tonight" with the smirk on his face.

He looked amused which irritated me, like when your have the urge to punch someone because they were annoying or to cocky. I was in rage I saw my mother struggling to get loose, I then heard him laugh which made my insides turn. My mother wasn't fazed she spit in his face with a smirk on her face she said in a dominating voice " fuck you" that made him laugh some more but this time shaking the house with every disgusting laugh he mad.

He proceeded to talk that is when we both stared in fear, he leaned to my mother and said, " I already told you I will not take no for an answer" my Mom was about to break free when he said, " if you say no I'll make sure that that brat upstairs get what coming for her."

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