As he said that to my mother her eyes reflected hatred,fear,and sadness. She let go of her strength and then he said, " good girl" as he pulled her into her bedroom. I stood there with my legs shaking I ran upstairs and quietly as I could and locked my door and layed on my bed with tears streaming down my face. I cried for what seemed like forever.

The next morning I woke up with a sore throat and my eyes swelled and puffy. I didn't want to go down stairs just yet luckily I had my own bathroom, I grabbed my grey sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. I went inside my bathroom to shower, I smelt pancakes and bacon. I almost cried at the though of what happened to my mother. But she still had the strength to get up a make breakfast. I shook my head and got into the shower. My long hair passing my bottom and I was built shorter then my mother I was five foot three. But my body wasn't the same as my mom I had wider hips but I didn't think much about it. I look like my mother the difference was she had a beauty mark on her upper left lip while I had mine under my left eye. You could say I had a pretty face my mother was Japanese while my father was white. Luckily I took my mother genes instead of my dad. Before having me he looked dashing great body build and great pretty eyes and and amazing smile. After having me he looked like a reck.

As I stood in the bathtub feeling the hot water run down my face I washed my body and my hair that was log and thin but it was silky. I but lotion on and put my cloths on, after five minutes I came down stares. My mother looked like her usual self. She had a lot of stamina for a small women. I smiled and she hugged me embracing me as she exhaled. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I blinked to hold back my tears.

She told me happy birthday that day I had totally forgotten it was my birthday. My mother smiled and looked down at me and said "I love you levy" I whispered back "I love you much more" I felt her grip tighten around my wait as I hugged her tighter. She jolted back and said, " we're going shopping" I shook my head telling her I didn't want to. But she insisted so I finally agreed.

I put on a white crop top with black baggy sweats that looked military style. I put on dangling earrings which made me feel like a bad bitch. I giggled as I saw my outfit I put my hair in a ponytail and I grabbed my phone on the way out my room. My mother was wearing jeans and a red shirt. My mom really looked young we looked like sisters, I grabbed her hand and said, " shall we"

We went to the car and I called Being DJ it didn't really matter we both loved Kpop. So all the way there we were having a blast. We stopped at a restaurant that served boba tea. My mom ordered a green tea flavored boba while I went with the coffee flavored boba. A lot of men and boys my age were staring at us. I like the attention but I didn't like the thought of men because the they were the reason my mom suffered so much.

We arrived at the mall to go shopping we shopped at the sport wear first, then we went to a store that had my type of style my mother saw me looked at the closed displayed and told me to go in. I was very happy after shopping for and hour or two we went to the food court. I wanted some noodles so my mom went to the Panda Express outlet. I texted her saying I need the bathroom

After walking down the long hall of doors trying to find the bathroom I saw a bunch of boys that was around a girl she was crying. I walked pass them to get a quick hear of their conversation. And one of the boys said some thing that made me have an Anger to punch him right then and there.

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