Hagrid's Dragon Problem

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Professor Quirrell seemed to be braver than they'd thought. Though he seemed to be paler, thinner, and more jumpy, he didn't look as though he'd cracked yet.

Every time the quartet passed the door that concealed Fluffy, they pressed their ears up to it and listened for muffled breathing to make sure the three-headed beast was still there. Snape was still in his normal bad mood, so they knew that the Stone was still safe. Every time Harry saw Quirrell, he gave him encouraging smiles. Ron even started getting after people who made fun of his stutter.

Y/N and Hermione had other things on their minds, though. Exams. Hermione gave Y/N, in his opinion, a very helpful tip. If he color-coded his notes, he'd be able to find them easier, so he could get to studying faster.

Harry and Ron wouldn't have cared, but Hermione kept nagging them to do the same. She even got Y/N to try to convince them, although that wasn't so hard. If she'd given him a good enough reason to walk back into the room where Fluffy was, he probably would.

"Guys, the exams are ages away," Ron said after Hermione and Y/N had told him to study for the nineteenth time this week.

"Ten weeks," Hermione snapped. "That's not ages, that's like a second to Nicolas Flamel."

"But we're not six hundred years old," Ron reminded her. "Anyway, what are you two studying for? You already know it all."

"What are we studying for? Are you crazy? You do realize we need to pass these exams to get into the second year? They're extremely important," Y/N said rather irritably.

The teachers seemed to be thinking along the same lines
as Hermione and Y/N. They were given loads of homework. Y/N and Hermione had it done relatively quickly, of course, but Ron and Harry spent nearly the entirety of the Easter holidays with their quills to a piece of parchment.

Y/N and Hermione took advantage of their free time and spent it in the library studying together. Y/N rather enjoyed being alone with her.

"Hermione, we should do this more often," he said one afternoon.

"Come to the library? We're in here nearly every day, Y/N," Hermione said.

"No, hang out together. I like it when it's just us."

"Like a date?" Hermione joked.

"No! No, no - just - er - y'know-"

Y/N's face was beet-red

"Relax, I was just kidding," Hermione pulled a book down from a shelf. "I agree."


"I agree."

"With what?"

"That we should hang out more often," Hermione said. "Harry and Ron can get a little...well, annoying."

"You have no idea," Y/N laughed.

Unluckily for the two, Harry and Ron had started accompanying them to the library every day after that one. One of those days, they saw Hagrid in there with them.

"Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?" Harry asked.

Hagrid came into view, hiding something behind his back. He looked very out of place.

"Jus' lookin'," he said in a guilty voice that got their interest at
once. "An' what're you lot up ter?" He looked suddenly suspicious. "Yer not still lookin' fer Nicolas Flamel, are yeh?"

"Oh, we found out who he
is ages ago," said Ron. "And we know what that dog's guarding, it's a Sorcerer's St-"

"Shhhh!" Hagrid looked around quickly to see if anyone was listening. "Don' go shoutin' about it! What's the matter with yeh?"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝝄𝒇 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝜜𝒈𝒆 | Hermione x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now