Chapter 4

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I look at myself in the mirror before throwing on my leather-jacket. I chose a black velvet dress that hugs my curves and has a low neckline that shows of my collarbones. I put a necklace around my neck and draw rings on my fingers. I chose high-heals, that are black and a have a golden heal and golden staph over the ankles. I look okay. I have smoke eye-shadow and liner. My lips are dark purple and thick. I fix my hair before sipping my jacket and opening the window.

        I climb out on to my windowsill. I glide my body down the roof and onto the balcony the lies from my parent’s office and bedroom. From there I slide down the pools that stand on either side of the front door. I spread my arms out to steady myself on the railing of the staircase. Slowly my balance comes and I get smoothly off. I walk over the grass so my steps won’t make a sound. When I get out of the garden I see a shadow of a person standing under a lamppost. I walk closer to see the shadow holds a red glowing roll in its hand and brings it to its face. In a few seconds a cloud of smoke floats into the night air. The figure throws the glowing cigarette on the ground. It moves and walks towards me. A flash of fear runs through me and I forget where I am. A part of me wants to run home. Jump into my parent’s bed and hide under the covers like I did as a child. Or dig myself a hole in the towel closet and start counting. Like I do when my brain runs 10.000.000 miles per hour. My heart starts beating. My brain starts running. Too fast. I don’t figure out what he’s saying, doing, trying. Okay. Count.3.14159. Stop. Breathe. Continue. 2653589793238462643. The figure is out of the shadow. I stop counting, letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I thought you were a good girl” He says and I laugh anxiously.

“Never heard the phrase: Good girls, are bad girls who haven’t been caught.” I say and my voice is still shaking and my finger won’t stay still. Drake laughs quietly. I look at the sky licking my lips. My body is still shaken and I can’t seem to get rid of the feeling of an endless pit in my stomach.

“You okay there?” He asks as my vision gets blurry. I try to blink but it’s hard to get rid of the black clouds. My balance goes. I stumble. Something grabs my upper arm and steadies me. “Wow. You okay.” He holds both my arms and stares at me. The clouds fade and the knot in the pit loosens and I’m looking at him.

“Fine, just a little tipsy that’s all.” I make up and push out a smile. He nods, uneasy.

“Did all that…” He nods towards the house. “After drinking?” He doubts.

“Believe me or don’t believe me.” I tell him and smile. He laughs and runs his fingers through his hair.

“So where are you going at this time a’ day?” He asks and walks beside me.

“Ash’s Party, why are you interested anyways?” I challenge.

“No reason. I was heading there.” He says and takes out the small packing. Taking one tiny torch out and lights it.

“Really?” I ask and look up at him. He’s more than a head taller than me. Maybe two. “Smoking another one?” I challenge. “I mean you just threw one away. It’s both unhealthy for you, which I don’t care so much about and unhealthy for others and the environment.” I lecture. He does nothing but laugh and taking another inhale.

“You are a smart-arse aren’t you?” I roll my eyes. “Right?” But he’s not right. I’m not smart. I’m not stupid either.

“No.” I reply.


“No.” I confirm. “To be smart you have to know much. A lot. I don’t know that much.” I answer. “Nothing useful anyways.” I say and see him shake his head from the corner of my eyes. “I know, that I know nothing” I think out loud and look back at the sky. There are no stars at all. Only dark clouds hovering over our heads. Looking down and waiting for the sun to come so they can be white again.

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