Chapter 11

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  From my room is a window leading to the outskirts of the city. It’s a roof window and by opening it all the way you can use it to get up on the roof. As I do so many times when I’m either bored or frustrated. As the night slows in I make sure to drink as much of tea to be able to keep my eyes open for the night. I and Drake are going to stay up until after midnight. Just to make sure everything is okay and to see how far they will go this time. Tally and Tiffany are taking the guestroom, while Austin and Sam are using my parent’s room. Sam wanted to stay there because, when we were kid we used to have sleepovers and we got to scared to sleep in my room so we would flee to my mom and dad’s room and they would end up sleeping in my room because we would take up all the space. Henry is sleeping with them, he and Ash are like best friends after this eventful day. I take big blanket out the window with me and a bottle of strawberry-bubble wine. I look to the skyline. The clouds sail their way to the horizon. “Hey.” Drake says and climbs out on to the roof and sits next to me. His thigh touching mine. If I look to the west I see the sea. Over it you can see a big black cloud of a storm. But straight forward is nothing but burned down buildings, homes, lives. My hair falls in my face and I tug it behind my ear. My fingertips touch the tattoo behind my ear. A feather in white and purple ink. It’s one of the few one I have that have no meaning. “I knew you had a tattoo.” He says and pushes my shoulder with his. I laugh.

“Still stuck on that one?” I chuckle. “Yes, Mr. I-know-everything.” I say and he laughs. “I have a tattoo.”

“I knew it!” He says and pokes my side. I take the bottle out and open it with my teeth. I bring it to my lips and chuck down a big gulp.  

“Now, don’t say a word to my parents! If you do, I swear you will never have fun with your little friend again.” He laughs and shakes his head. He reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out a little packet. He takes one out and light is. “Does it bother you?” He looks at me and I shake my head. The smell reminds me of myself few years ago. Reminds me of the people I used to hang out with. I take another sip of the wine and as easy I am with wine, I’m already feeling the affect.  

“No.” I tell him. A voice in my brain tells me to ask for one. But I know better. “Can I have that?” I ask pointing at the cigarette. He looks confused and then slowly hands it to me. Bring it to my nose smelling in the toxic smoke.

“What are you doing?” He asks, almost laughing.

“I used to smoke, stopped, and I really want one right now but...that would not be a smart idea.” I answer with a small laugh.

“So you are a second hand smoker?” He asks.

“Sure, you can call it that.” I hand him back the cigarette. My palm wraps around the bottle and I bring it to my mouth. “Want some?” I invite him and he takes it.

“What is that?” He asks.

“Strawberry- bubble wine.” I answer. “The only thing my dad won’t miss.” I say and laugh. He joins in and shakes his head.   

“You are so much different from what I thought about you.” He mumble.

“Well, that was my hope.” I say with a chuckle. “Shit, I’m bad with this.” I say and take another sip of the wine. He laughs at my drinking.

“So tell me about you.” He demands and takes a sip.

“Well…” I should definitely not tell him anything. But I’m tipsy. “What do you want to know?” He smirks.

“How many tattoos do you have?” He asks and I start counting. The elephant, the dream catcher, the feather, the pattern, the one on my inner thigh of a flower, under me feet I have a tattoo of a paw and on my collarbone I have a small star in white ink.

“I have eight, I think.” I say and giggle taking the bottle back.

“Can I see?” He asks and puffs his cigarette. I pull the collar of my shirt down to show him the star. “Cute.” He comments.

“Thank you, so are you.” My blunt tipsy mouth says.

“Where are the others?” He asks with a smile.

“One under my foot, one on my chest, one behind my ear, inner thigh, thigh and hip, and then I have an elephant on my ribcage.”

“Why an Elephant?” He asks, with a smirk. Clearly finding it weird.

“My little sister’s name, was Ibha, which means elephant and it was her favourite animal.” I say my voice is low and I can barely hear myself talk. “She died three and a half year ago.”

“I’m so sorry.” He says and puts his arm around me. “What happened?”

“We were driving home from the mall and a drunk driver crashed us. On my side. The car-door went into my side and my lung collapsed. My sister’s neck snapped, she died even before any of us realize what had happened. She was two and a half.” He pulls me close to his body and rests his chin on the top of my head. “See, April, this is why you shouldn’t drink.” I blabber to myself and feel Drake laugh. He pulls shortly away. “You’re hot. Did you know that?” I blabber. Shit I must shut up! He just giggles.

“You’re cute.” He says. “And strong.”

“That did not answer my question.” I say and take his cigarette that is almost all burned up. I breath in the smoke through my nose and close my eyes.  “You know I have a crush on you?” I blurt. “Did you know that?” He smiles like I am an arsehole. “And I shouldn’t have said that.” I say and face-palm myself. “I’m and idiot.” I say and he moves my hand fro my face and places his own on my cheek.

“Do you think you are too drunk to take me seriously for a second?” I nod slowly.

“See.” I reach out and then pull my hand back touching my noes with my index finger.

“Good. ‘Couse I really want to do this.” He says and brings his face closer to mine. My eyes close and then it hits me. I’m about to kiss Drake Harry Crowder! His lips meat mine and I put my hand on his chest. His other hand is on my back and I feel him move his finger slowly stroking my lower back with his soft fingers. This moment must last forever, even though I need to breathe I’ll give it up just to die like this. Me. Him. Simple.          

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