Chapter 19

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“How far until we can go back to the nice smelling world?” Drake asks as I lead us through the tunnels.

“Not far at all.” I tell him and smile. “It doesn’t smell that bad.” I teas and he shakes his head.

“Yes it does.” The walls get tighter and the dirty water gets higher. It flows now over our knees.  “This is so weird. Don’t you think?” He asks and looks at me.

“Well, no. Our shit has to go somewhere.” He laughs and shakes his head.

“I meant what is happening is weird. I mean few days ago we wear at a party and my biggest worry was how to get through school. Now my biggest worry is how to keep my brother alive.” He says. “It’s so weird.”

“Yeah, it is.” Finally I see the exit I’m looking for. The sewers were made more than 650 years ago. They even go through worlds, because they were made before they divided the worlds. And because of their age, the door that we use to get out is marked, Hall of justice. The door is covered in rust and the door handle is stiff as stone. Drake takes my place in trying to open it and succeeds. He stands over the hole and reaches his hand out to me and pulls me up. There is no latter here like where we went down so we need to climb up. Sam lifts Henry and Drake pulls him up. When we are all on safe ground I take the time to look around. We are in Old Medius. Around us are only the left overs of the old city. Burned down buildings lie around like any other garbage.

            I walk towards the old hall of justice. The hall of justice is now just a ground of old concrete and rocks. You can still see the staircase and where the door used to be. I walk up the stairs and inter what used to be the foyer of the hall. Dust and sand covers the ground and the next thing that look you recognise is the stairs the stand up to the sky. The upper floors collapsed when a bomb landed on the city. The stairs are still there. The sent floor on the steps is white under the dust and ashes that covers it. I turn around, keeping my mind on what is important. The door dad told me about. “Okay kids. We are looking for a door.” I inform and we all start looking.

            Between two chunks that have fallen from the sealing, is a white spot. The floor. I bend down to touch it. Imagine it’s more than a 1000 years old. It’s steal cold and hard. Feels smooth under my fingertips. Trapped under the rock is the light fixture that once hung in the air. The wires stick out of the grey concrete. Moss has started to grow on the rocks and chunks around me. I’m able to reach one of the crystals that used to belong on the light fixture. I pull it from under the rock and pick it up. It’s no bigger than a key. It’s beautiful. I’ve never held a real crystal before. They are rear in our world. These came from Numinis. It was a gift from the City council of Asgard. I take it and put it into my bag. “Look what I found!” Henry shouts from the other end of the building. I run to him. Drake and Ash beat me there. “Is this the door?” He asks and I nod.

“It must be.” Beside the door is a black panel. Big enough to hold a large hand. I lay my palm on it and a laud sound escapes.  The door opens and we are allowed to step into a small elevator. It’s slightly tight but not too. The door behind us closes and the room goes dark for a moment before a blue light turns on. “Your names?” Woman’s voice announces.

“April Benson.” I inform and step closer to the light up blue wall. “I’m looking for my father. Abraham Benson.” In a swift move we feel the room fall down. It feels like it falls down to the centre of the earth.

“Welcome, Ms. Benson.” The voice speaks again. Finally we stop falling. I look at Drake and realize that he has clasped his hand in mine. In his other hand I see Henry’s hand. Henry looks straight forward. He looks slightly afraid. I give him a strong smile and he pushes one back to me. Then we start moving again. But not down. We start moving forward and then take a sharp turn to the left. When it stops, the door opens and we are looking at eight guards, armed with big guns. They are dressed in black and dark blue uniforms. The lead us to a huge double doors that the push open. On the other side is a big hall of people sitting in a circle, by desks with computers. In the middle is a big 3D map of the worlds. On the maps are images of where the armies and troops have invited. By a big screen at the other end of the stands my dad. He turns around when a bland woman with a folder in her hand says something to him. He looks at me with a big relief smile on his face. I feel so much unbelievable joy in my body that I can’t stand still. I run down a path towards him. He walks towards me with his arms spread open. I jump into his arms and he hugs me tight. I can’t remember the last time I did this. Probably more than four years since it happened. “I never thought I would say this but I’m happy to see you!” I whisper and he laughs.  

“I love you dear.” He says and puts me back onto my feet.

“I love you too dad.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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