Chapter 6

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The bell rings us out and I don’t take long to pack my stuff and get out. I meet Sam outside and we walk together to the bus stop. We take separated buses but from the same stop. He interrogates me about Drake and I blush at every question. I see several army cars, even tanks driving around town on my way home. It surprises me but not that much, probably just a vehicle show are something. I wonder why mom hasn’t said anything about it. When I get home my parents are neither their so I take the time to catch up on my T.V. watching. Sam said few weeks ago when I was talking about Drake that I never had I chance. Do I now? He said he liked me…as a person. What does that even mean? These thoughts are too heavy on my head so I turn on music in my room and fall asleep in my corner. Until my phone beeps. It’s my dad. He’s going to be working all night and mom will not becoming home until tomorrow. Drake and Henry will be coming to stay with me while their parents are at work. Drake. Here. Now. Night. Fuck. 

After running around the house making sure it’s suitable for visitors, I finally throw my body on to the couch as the chicken cooks in the oven. I turn on the T.V. to find that all national channels are down. I can’t be bothered to find out why, or try to fix it, so I just find some T.V. shows to watch. It has been less than ten minutes of relaxing when I hear a knock on the door. I hurry up and open it to see Drake and Henry. Drake’s wearing black skinny jeans and creamed collared shirt over it he has a black leather jacket, that looks old but even I know that it’s new and costs more than my motorbike. “Hey.” He says and smirks.

“Hey to you too” I smile and open the door wider so they can get in. “Hi Henry how are you?” I ask him and take his coat.

“I’m good.” He says and smiles. “What’s for dinner?” He asks.

“Chicken and chips.” I answer. “It will be ready in a few minutes, do you want to play in the living room while you wait?” I offer and he nods before taking off with his remote-controlled car. I go into the kitchen and check on the food.

“How have you been?” Drake asks as he inters the kitchen.

“Good, you?” I open the oven to take out the chicken.

“Good, I’m good.” He says awkwardly. He rubs the back of his neck. He looks uncomfortable.

“You okay there?” I ask him. He takes a step closer to me.

“Do you know what’s going on?” He asks in a low voice.

“What do you mean?” I lean against the counter and look up at him. He stands too close to me.

“Why am I here? Why are our parents working?” He looks lost, I can’t blame him.

“Drake,” Fear catches in my brain and I start to move my fingers incredibly fast. “If there is one thing I know, it is that, if my parents want me here, want you here, they have a reason.” I tell him and push him aside so I can get passed. “Don’t doubt them.”  I tell him and take the chips out of the oven. I had already made the dinner table ready so I only put the food on it and it’s ready. “Henry it’s dinner time!” I call him and he comes running in. The air is awkward over the dinner table. Only sounds of silverwares and plates coming together. Henry eats as fast as he can and then picks his brothers shoulder, and whispers to him. “Tell her.” He says with a smile. I look at him with a warm smile. “Thanks for this dinner, it was very good.” He says, whispering down to his chest. I smile and tell him; “you’re welcome.” He smiles and hops off his chair. I gesture with my finger for him to come to me. I bend down to whisper to him. “There is a popsicle in the fridge if you want one.” I whisper to him and he gasps before running into the kitchen and getting the treat. I laugh and then meet with Drakes eyes. He stares at me with a slight smirk. “What?” I ask him and get the feeling that there is something on my face, or I have something in my teeth. “Is there something on my face?” I ask and he laughs.

“No, it’s just… nothing” He can’t just say nothing. What? Why is he looking at me like that! I’m about to ask him when Henry comes running in.

“April!” He says as he runs to me with his Popsicle. “Can you open it for me?” He ask and I of course open it for him.

“Do you want to watch a movie in the living room?” He nods and then runs off with his brother into the living room. I take the plates and throw them into the sink, not bothering to wash them or putting them in the dishwasher. “Where should I put these?” Drake asks, holding the chips bowl and the dish from under the chicken.

“Just drop it in the sink.” I tell him and move away from the sink. He does as I say and then turns to me. “Where shall I put my, and Henry’s stuff?” He asks. You can sleep in my room.” I tell him and he smiles. “Thanks for dinner, you are a good cook.” He says and smile in return.

“My pleasure, and thank you.” I say. He smirks slightly before going back to his brother.

            I walk slowly into the living room where Drake and Henry are sitting on the couch watching a cartoon. I can’t help but think about Ibha, she would be his age by now. She had blue eyes and a big smile. She was so smart. I mean she was the smartest two year old in the world. She could count pi with me, only the first four letters. But that is smart. I miss her so much. How she would lie on my chest, with her hand in my ribcage. “You okay?” Drake beacons to me. 

“Fine.” My voice is a little off and I have to clear my throat to make it better.

“Hey Henry, how about you go upstairs and find your pyjamas?” He tells him and Henry disappears out of the room, hugging me round my waist before running up the stairs. Drake walks towards me and puts his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. I’m a little off by his action but soon my body relaxes and I put my hands over my face and turn it into his chest. “Want to talk about it?” He asks and I shake my head. “Okay.” He whispers and rests his chin on the top of my head. I feel him breathing. His chest rising and falling, his heart beating under his shirt, skin, and flesh. His hands cares my back softly. I’m going to make you a cup of tea, okay?” He invites and I nod.

            He brings the cup to me as I sit on the couch. Henry already came down and hugged us good night. Drake sits next to me on the sofa. “Feeling better?” I nod. “Was it about your sister?” He asks. I nod.

“It’s just…hard.” I say and he puts his hand in my knee.

“I know.” He says. He sits with me as I drink the tea and then he pads upstairs to go to sleep. I go after him and into my parent’s room.

            I take of my sweatshirt and rub the side of my body. The scar down my side looks the same as usually. My chest scar is a little reader than normally. I rub my hand over it and feel how it sticks out of my shin. Like there is some sort of a cord or wire under it. I put on a big baggy shirt and take my bra of. I throw my jeans on to the back of a chair. I get in bed and pull my mom’s duvet over my chin and snuggle into the bed. I fall asleep fast, thank god.

            From a dark deep sleep I am woken up to a loud bang. And not a normal loud band, but a really loud bang. I can feel the ground shivering under my feet. I jump out of bed and run down stairs to my mom’s room and get a hand gun. It’s black and light. I load it and hold it in front of me. I sneak up the steps as quietly as I can. My heart is beating so fast I think it’s about to explode. I feel the beating in my fingers, toes and ears. When I get up I encounter Drake that looks as afraid as me. “What was that?” He whispers, but his eyes widen as he sees the pistol in my hands.

“I don’t know, go and stay with Henry.” I order and he does as I say. I look out the window and see a stair of smoke and fire reaching into the darkness. I double check on all doors and windows, I draw all the curtains shut. What is going on out there? I try to turn on the light but the power is out. The phone lines are also out. Drake comes down stairs with Henry in his arms. Henry is almost asleep but looks half awake. “The phones lines are down, and the power is out.”

“I don’t want to be negative or scare you, but I think that was a bomb.” He whispers.

“I think you are right.” I tell him and drag him into the living room.

“But where did it come from?” The question dawns on me worse than any other.        

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