Chapter 13

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As soon as I wake up in the morning, I smirk of the idea of last night. I push and it to the side, making room for plan making. I put on my sweatshirt and go down to my mom’s room. I take the army radio and a map from my dad’s office. I find a map of the universe and a map of the city. I hang them up on the wall and make marks where I know the troops have been. I turn on the radio to make a list over where they have captured. They have taken over the capital of Medius and others smaller cities in Medius. The Frigus have taken almost all cities in Numinis, except the Capital: Asgarden. A voice on the radio catches my attention. “Sargent Benson has still not been seen. Code 204NIF” I recognize the code first hand. It’s an old code from the White War. Means that she has been taken, the used this code for taken soldiers and those how were brought to Camp Nift. I take my mom’s extra security laptop and open a life footage space view of the universe. Even though our universe is too big for us humans to discover all of it. But we have learned all about our three worlds and how big it is. Some people want to say that these three worlds are it, that there is nothing more out there. That is what President Odin wants us to think. But that is not that worries me, what worries me is my mom being coded as 204NIF. The code is easy, because it is not scripted at all. The 204 stands for the area code, and NIF stands for Nift that is the name of the nearest town. And the camp. The computer finally loads the footage and I enter the area code. But there is nothing there. After the white war they burned everything to the ground and made a field of grass over it, and that is all there is to see. Until a car pulls up on the field and a figure steps out. I can’t see if it’s a woman or a man, not that it matters. Suddenly the ground opens and an elevator appears out of the blue. I found their headquarters. That’s where my mom is. I find it on the map and mark it. Its 59.87 kilometres from here. It would take us around two to three days on foot. But the only way getting there is by going through a war zone.

“Anything new?” A raspy voice asks from behind me. I look back and see Drake standing holding two bottles of water. Only now I see how disgusting I must look. I feel sweaty and warm. My hair sticks to my fore head as I have been running around, making plans and stressing. I rub my face and take the bottle he hands me. “Wow.” He says as he looks at the maps and notes I made. “So there is something new?”

“I found my mom.” I tell him and take a big sip. “She’s here.” I say and point at the computer screen.

“Sorry to blow your bubble but there is nothing there.” He says and pats my back.

“Wait and see.” I tell him and then, in few seconds a black SUV pulls up and figures, armed now walk out and the elevator appears.

“Wow.” He say again.

“It’s in Frigus. It’s Nift, and according to my calculation it’s around 60. Km.” I inform. “But this.” I run to the map and point at the drawn war area. “Is in the way.”  

“We will just have to go through it somehow.” He says and I look up at him.

“We?” I ask and he pulls me closer to him.

“We. You’re not leaving me.” He says laughing. I shake my head and smile.

“No, I just didn’t want to put you or other in danger.” He pats my head like a kid and says:

“Well, I’m a bad boy.” I laugh and tear up. Drying my eyes I look at him and shake my head.

“Okay, if you say so.” I smile and drink my water. “Well, I’m going to take a shower before everyone wakes up.” I tell him and put down the bottle.

“And you are telling me that because….” I turn around and see him smirk at me. “…you want me to join you?” I laugh and turn around.

“In your dreams my dear.” I walk up stairs and to my bathroom.

            The water feels nice against my skin. The familiar smell of the shampoo and conditioner fills my senses and I breathe in the warmness of the room. My dad’s work is in the outskirts of the city. Meaning it has been attacked. My teeth start to shiver and my knees get weak. I sit down and steady myself against the wall. I can’t be weak. Not now. Not ever. I look at the ink on my body and place my hand on my ribs where Ibha placed hers. I feel my heart beat. She used to get nightmares and my mom always told us that as long as we feel a heartbeat we can depend on it getting better. That it was just a dream. When she sat in the car seat, her body pale and her eyes half open. Her small palms hanging from her sides. I feel my throat tighten and a knot in my chest rise. I gasp for air and feel the tears blend in with the water streaming down my face. I let myself be small for a moment. My therapist says I need to let myself feel sometimes. I won’t be able to feel for a while after this, so I better use it well. I hear a knock on the door.

“Hey it’s Tal and Tiff.” Tally’s voice says. I turn of the shower and put the towel around me. I open the door and they look at me surprised and then hug me. Both at the same time.

“Put on some cloths and then we should talk about this.” Tally says and I nod.

            After getting dressed and talking to them about this and then about what happened last night with Drake, (by the way, I have never seen them giggle and smile like perverts so badly.) I take everyone to my mom’s room and tell them the plan. Standing in front of them right now waiting for an answer to who of them wants to join and come with me and Drake to Frigus. I can hear my own heartbeat. This is it.   

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