forgotten? kamikiribakudeku

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I was trying to find a story like this so why not make one.

Kaminari pov

I woke up at 12:00 with exitment.  Today was special. It was the 6 month anniversary for me and my boyfriends. I know it should be a year but i just have a thing for the number six cus of my ADHD.

( i dont know if that is something that people with ADHD do sometimes do im sorry if thats wrong)

After getting ready i walked out and to the comman room to greet my lovelys. They wernt in bed with me this morning like they were last night so i guess they already woke up. "Hey mina. Weres baku,kiri and deku?" I ask noticing there absence. "Oh the went to the mall for the day." She said takeing a cup of coffe to her room. As she passed she stopped infront of me. "They said they were out on a date or something." She said with sympathy. "Oh ok. Thanks." I replied as she walked of. How could they leave me behind. Why didnt they wake me up.

Its cus they dont want to be seen with an idiot like you.

No that cant be the case. The bad thoughts continued as i went to the kitchen. The class was out for the day with the exeption of a few people. After i ate breakfast i went to my room to get my boyfriends presents ready.

Time skip by bakutiddies

After i was done with that i noticed they should be back soon. I heard the door open and close meaning they were back. I went out of my room to find them in the kitchen. Deku was on the counter talking to kiri and bakugo as they were hunched over something on the counter. "Hey guys!" I said with joy as i entered the kitchen. "Oh h- hello kami." Kiri said turning around then noticed who it was speaking. "Dunce." Baku said. "What are you guys doing?" I asked kinda sad they didnt use nicknames like sparky or lightning bug like they usually did. "Nothing we're heading up to my dorm why?" Deku said and asked. The bad thoughts filled my head again as alk three seemed a little annoyed. "O-oh n-nothing um. Whats behind your back.?" I asked to kiri while pointing at the object. Kiri and bakugo instantly coverd it. "Nothing you need to know of." Bakugo said harshly. Normally hes really sweet and caring around his boyfriends.

'What if they dont considder me a boyfriend anymore.' I thought. No. That cant be it.

"O-oh um well do you wan-." "Cant we're going to dekus dorm." Bakugo cut me off. "U-u-um o-ok well. Ill see you guys latter then. H-have f-fun." I tried to contain my tears till i got to my dorm. I got up from my chair and ran to my dorm. I thought i loked it and layed on my bed and cried into my pillow. "I knew i was to dumb for anyone to love me." I said out loud to myself.

Then the panic came.

I was hyperventilating while crying. Thoughts of how i was to dumb or they just pittyed you raced through my head.

Baku pov.

"Thats it i cant keep on this dumbass act forever lets take the present to his room and give it to him. He sounded like he was gonna cry cus of us." I shouted to the redhead and greenhead. "Your right kachan. I cant stand seeing denki like that. I feel bad." Deku said. "Same lets go." Kiri said grabbing the present first we we're makeing stops at each of our dorms to grab cloths to spend the night at denkis. We part way to go to our dorms and when i get inside mine i notice a small box. I set down the cloths and look at it. It looks handcrafted. I put it in my poket and headed over to denkis dorm. I notice kiri and deku already there. "Did you guys get a box too?" I ask. They nod and show me theirs. Dekus had a green gem in the top, kiri had a red one and i had an orenge one. We nod at look at denkis door. I open it and drop everything.

Denki is on his bed haveing a panic attack counting up and down from 6. It was bad enough to not notice the door opening. I run up to him and gently pull him into my arms. He gasps and looks up at me. "Hey hey its ok its me your safe." I wisper into his ear. Deku closes the door and kiri joins in on the hug. Soon dekus there to. After 30 minutes of me whispering sweet nothings in his ear denki sitsup and sniffles whipping his noes. "Sparky do mind telling us what happened." Kiri asked him. " i thought you guys were leaving me cus you were being distant. Im sorry if im being selfish." He said in sutch a small voice we barely heard him.

No pov

"I told you idiots it was a bad idea." Deku said. "W-what?" Denki asked still slightly crying. "We went out to the mall today to get something but w- no, they, decided to avoid you as much as we could so we could do something special for you today." Deku said now cradeling denki in his arms glaring at kiri and bakugo. "Kami we are so so so sorry we never ment for this to happen we just wanted to do something special." Kiri said apologetically. "Yeah. We would never ever break up with you or forget you." Bakugo said holding denkis hand. Denki then sat up and out of dekus arms to sit across from them all who sat on the end of his bed. "I forgive you guys but what was the special thing?" Denks asked. "We'll tell you but first,what are these?" Kiri asked him pulling out the hand carved box with the red gem. Deku and baku pulled them out as well. "Oh um well. i made them." "Do they do something?" Kat asked. "Um well they open but dont open them yet ok?" Kami said kinda happy. "Haha ok zappy. Also the suprise is at a very special place." Bakugo said smugly. "Then lets go!" Kami said jumping up and putting his shoes on and grapping his sunglasses. The others were loughing at his antics while walking out the door.

~timeskip by kiris quirk in a certain spot~

They arived at the hill were they all confesed for the first time. Kami jumped up and down and sat under the tree and kirisima, bakugo and izuku joined him. "Sooo whats the suprise?" Denki asked exidedly. "Easy, sparky." Bakugo said. Denki giggled at the name. Kiri hugged from behind. Deku pulled out a box and gave it to denki. "Whats this?" Denki asked looking at his boyfriends. "Your surpise." Kiri said. Denki opened it. He gasped as he looked in side. There were all diffrent kinds of fidget toys in the box. Denki hugged all of them. They chuckled and hugged back. "You guys can open your presents." Kami said climbing off kiris lap. They did so and deku covered his mouth, bakugo gasped softly and kiris moth fell open a bit. Inside each box were 3 tiny jars of colord lightning, one was green one was yellow and one was orenge and one was red depending on wich box you looked at. "Uh um.... Your probably dont like it im sorry i tri-" he was cut off by the three hugging him. They all explauned how they loved it. That night ended with cuddles in denkis room.

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