listen to me (bakutsu)

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Please don't hate me

Class 1-A was having a game night in the dorms common room since they had a week of from school due to the teachers needing to plan out lessons.

Currently denki,Kiri, ochako,hagakura and mina were playing Mario cart while the others played a simple game of truth or dare.

"Ok bakugo truth or dare." Ojiro asked. "Fucking dare. I ain't no pussy." Bakugo grumbled seeing as he didn't want to come anyway. "Ok. I dare you to chug a bottle of hot sauce." Ojiro said. "Fucking easy." Bakugo laughed and went to the kitchen. He came back and opened the bottle and chugged it.

He trough the bottle away and sat back down. "told you easy. Anyway icy hot, truth or dare." Bakugo said already bored again. The game kept going.

After a while bakugo noticed no one was picking tsu, who sat on the end of the couch looking at the floor.

Finally it got to sato. "Iida Truth or dare." He asked. "Truth." Iida said sitting up straight. "Who's the least likely to become a hero." Sato asked. Everyone waited for iida to say who he thought. The people who were playing Mario gave up and joined.

"Sadly I would have to say asui." He said. A couple murmurs of agreement were heard and then the elevator closing.

Bakugo looked up from his phone and over to the spot we're tsu was. She wasn't there.

He stood up and started to stomp away. "Wait Bakubro to were are you going?" Denki asked. "Surprisingly, to see if she's ok because you idiots can't tell the difference between a hard working hero and a lazy asshole like mineta. Tsu's probably worked harder then all of you to get to this point. Fuck you guys." He said and got in the elevator.

He pressed the button to tsu's floor and waited. The doors opened and he knocked on her door. A small, "W-what." Was heard so bakugo opened the door and went inside. Tau was curled up in her bed under her blankets with the light off. Bakugo closed the door and walked over.

"Hey um. Are you ok?" Bakugo asked trying to be nice. Tsu's head popped out from her cacoon like blankets. She clearly had been crying pretty hard as her eyes were a little red and there were tear marks on her cheeks.

"No. *Ribbit* No one in class listens to me other that tokoyami and ayoama and no one believes I'll be a good hero." She said sniffling. Bakugo sighed and sat on her bed and managed to get under the blankets with tsu. "Dont fucking listen to them. There all around assholes. I know I cant say anything since Im gonna be number 1, but, I know that you will at least be one of the top three heros." Bakugo said trying to help.

Tsu sniffled and hugged bakugo. "Thank you.*ribbit*", She said a little muffled as her face was pressed against his chest. "Yeah yeah. You welcome." He mumbled and hugged back. A small blush formed on his cheeks.

Tsu looked up at him and tilted her head. "You know bakugo. Your really pretty." She said smiling. Bakugos blush intensified as he looked at her. "Y-yeah well you pretty too, I guess." He mumbled looking away.

She giggled and kissed bakugos cheek before laying back on his chest and fell asleep. Bakugo didn't know what to do. He didn't want to mover her so he just layed back and covered them with one of the blankets and fell asleep.

The next morning tsu woke up and tried to move but was held down. She looked up to see bakugo and blushed. "Why the Fuck are you moving." He grumbled tired and peeked an eye open to look at her.

She blushed a little. "Its morning. We have to get up. *Ribbit*" she said. "No we don't. We don't have school." He said pulling her closer.

They were now on the sides facing each other. Tsu smiled and cuddled into bakugos chest. "Hey uh. Tsu do you maybe wanna like. Go on a date?" He mumbled not really knowing what to do. "I would love to." She said and kissed him softly. Bakugo kissed back and wrapped his as around her waist.

"I guess we should get up then." He said sitting up. Tsu sat up as well and hopped out of bed like a literal frog. "I'm gonna stop by my dorm then go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Ok?" He said standing up and stretched as he back popped a little. "Ok. I'll be down in a sec. *Ribbit.*" Tsu said and kissed bakugo before going to het closet.

Bakugo smiled and left to his dorm. He quickly changed and went downstairs. He started to cook breakfast. Tsu came down in some overalls over a long sleeved striped shirt. She sat down at the kitchen island and smiled at bakugo.

"If you keep smiling that brightly i might go blind." Bakugo joked as he sat a plate of eggs bacon and toast infront of her along with a small bowl of jelly. "Aw thank you bakugo. *Ribbit*" she said.

"You know you can call me katsuki right." He said turning back to the stove to make his breakfast. "Well then. Thank you kat." She said And began to eat. Soon enough everyone else started to come down. "Heyyy. Bakugo! So what's for breakfast?" Denki asked.

"I ain't making anyone any food." He snapped. "Bit you gave tsu food." Kiri said coming up next. "That's because she more tolerable then the rest of you!" bakugo growled. Tsu giggled as the boys continued to bicker. "Tsu I'm really sorry aBout yesterday. I know you'll be a great hero." Mina said coming up to her. "Thank you mina. And it's ok." Tsu said and ate some jelly.

"So. Why did bakugo make you food?" Mina asked and sat next to her. "You promise you won't tell anyone else? *Ribbit*" tsu asked. Mina crossed her heart. "I promise. Now tell me please."

"Ok. Well me and bakugo are dating. I think." Tsu said quietly. Mina had to hold in a squeal. "Wait you think." Mina asked. "Well we haven't made it official and bakugo asked me to a date this morning." Tsu said. Mina shrugged and hugged her. "Anyway I'm so happy for you." She said. Mina let go and walked over to bakugo.

"Hey boom boom boy. If you hurt tsu or brake her heart I will kill you." Mina said and smiled at him. "I'm happy for you two." She skipped off happily. Bakugo stood there for a second before going over to tsu with his plate. "The hell was that about?" He asked. "I um. Kinda told mina were dating. t least I think we are." She said.

"Of course we are. Why would I kiss you if we aren't." Bakugo asked taking a bite of food. Tsu giggled a little bakugo soon finished and put there dishes in the sink. Tsu walked over and kissed bakugos cheek. "can we go to the park?" She asked. "Sure." Bakugo said.

They got there shoes on and bakugo held her hand as they walked out of the dorms. Word soon spread and everyone in class knew About them.

When they came back hours later, everyone was in the common room watching a movie. Tsu pulled bakugo over to a vacant chair and pulled him down. They got comfortable with tsu on bakugos lap and bakugos arms wrapped around her waist and his chin resting on tsu's head softly.

A blanket was tossed over them as they cuddled during the movie. Tsu smiled know at least someone would listen to her and bakugo smiled knowing he finally found someone who made him happy.

The end.

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