I'm so sorry. (kamimonoshin)

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Denki didn't mean to. Honest he didn't. He was just talking with the bakusquad and it slipped out. You see, denki shinso and monama were dating and they had agreed to keep it a secret untill they were all ready to tell everyone but kaminari got to excited and just told the bakusquad.

"Please don't say anything I promised I wouldn't tell anyone please keep it a secret." Denki pleaded the group that was in his room. Mina nodded and crossed her heart. Sero made a zipping motion to his lips. Kiri smiled at kami and also crossed his heart. Bakugo just sighed and huffed out a 'fine'.

Denki smiled and got a text on his phone. "sorry guys I gotta go. Thanks for keeping it a secret." Denki said and left. He walked down to the kitchen we're monama and shinso where. "Hey guys!" Denki said bouncing over and hugging shinso. "Hi sparky." Shinso chuckled and hugged him back.

Monama came over and kissed denkis cheek. "Hi love." He said. Denki blushed and giggled. He hopped onto the counter after letting go of shinso and the three started to talk about there last date.

Everything was fine untill bakugo walked in. "Hey idiots. Talking about your date?" Bakugo sneered. Denki paled and shinso went wide eyed as did monama. "W-what? How did you find out.?" Shinso asked.

"Your little blabber mouth let it slip." Bakugo chuckled and left. Denki had his head down. The two looked over at denki with shocked looks. Denki tried to hold in tears but couldn't. Denki let out a shakey breath. He got down and ran out of the dorm. Monama and shinso shouted for denki and ran after him.

Denki ran to a nearby park and hid behind a bush. He was breathing hard and started to zap his hand lightly as a panic response. Shinso and monama reached the park and looked around. They noticed a mop of yellow hair and walked over. "Sparky?" Shinso asked. Denki jumped up and backed up. He realized he couldn't go back any farther as there was a fence.

Denki sniffled and slid down untill he was sitting down. He tucked his knees to his chest and sobbed. "Just do it. Break up with me. Get it out of the way." Denki said. Shinso and monama sat on either side of him and wrapped and arm around him. "Denks we wouldn't do that. But why did you tell them?" Shinso asked softly.

"I didn't mean to. We were talking about relationships and I said I was in the best one with you two. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Denki cried. He started to zap his hand again but monama stopped him by grabbing his hands. "Denki it's ok. You were just overexcited and let it slip. Were not gonna brake up with you." Monama said and hugged him. Denki sniffled and hugged back. Shinso joined the hug.

"C'mon let's go back to the dorms." Shinso said standing up. Denki and monama fallowed him.

They got to the dorms and went up to denkis room and cuddled while watching movies all night.

The end

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