enough! (bakusquad)

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I know it's another bakusquad but I like this ship ok.

Denki was on the verge of screaming. Why? Well, first, he failed his math test, second, mineta kept bugging him, third, he kept getting asked to charge people's phones and fourth, his boyfriend's and girlfriend weren't talking to him.

Denki sat at the kitchen island in the dorms on his DS playing legend of Zelda when bakugo came in. "Hey babe! Um. Why have you guys been ignoring... Me.", Denki sighed as he watched bakugo grab four drinks and leave.

Denki, being on the verge of tears and screaming, grabbed his DS and left for his room. As he was walking up the stairs, since the elevator was broken, he saw bakugo, kirishima,Sero and mina walk down laughing and smiling. Denki wanted to talk to them but he knew they would ignore him.

So instead he kept his head down and hurried past them and slammed his door open, then closed. The electric user fell onto his bed and screamed into his pillow and with the amount of electricity floating around him, he made the lights flicker in the dorms. He eventually calmed down and hadn't noticed he was crying.

A knock was heard at his door. Denki got up and opened it to see aizawa. "May I come in." He asked. Denki sighed and looked down. He knew this was about his quirk. He stepped aside and let aizawa in. He closed the door and flopped on his bed on his back. "So who sent for you. Was it iida?" Denki mumbled with an arm over his eyes.

"No. The lights flickered in my office and since it's closer to this dorm, I know you caused it." Aizawa said. Denki groaned. "Look Mr aizawa I didn't mean for that to happen. Im just stressed about failing another test, mineta bugging me, people always asking me to charge there phones and-." He stopped. "Nevermind. Just tell me I'm expelled." Denki mumbled.

"Your not. About the test. I noticed that you were getting all the word problems right so I came to ask if it would be alright if I modified your tests for you." Aizawa said. Denki looked over at him. "Sure. Is that all." Denki asked. "No. You were gonna say something else but stopped."

Denki sighed and looked at the ceiling. "Baku,Kiri,Sero and mina keep ignoring me." Denki mumbled. "Give them time. I'm sure it'll be fine." Aizawa said and left. Denki decided to play on his DS under his bed because he felt a little more safe there.

2 hours later denki stretched and went downstairs to get some food. He saw the four that were ignoring him and sighed. He decided no to try and talk to them so he just put his hoodies hood up and get some cereal. As he was doing so he felt someone come over. He looked down to see there phone in hand. "If you ask me to charge your phone I'll fry you so hard no one will recognize you." He growled and left a stunned todoroki behind.

He took his bowl and quickly went back up to his room before the class, who was in the living room/kitchen, said anything. He hid back under his bed and pulled down the blanket so no one could see under the bed. He also turned on the fairy lights he had under there and ate his cereal and watched YouTube on his phone.

Denki pushed the now empty bowl from away from him and out from under his bed.

When he heard the door open and four pairs of feet come in and the door close, denki held his breath and moved to the wall. "Denks. C'mon we know your under there." He heard bakugo huff.

Denki didn't answer. "We see your bowl we know your here." Kiri said. Denki looked down at the floor. "Pika come on we just wanna talk." Sero said. "Yeah. Well when I wanted to talk you ignoring like I wasn't even there." Denki snapped and sniffle. He heard them whispering to each other. He was now on his stomach, his side pressed against the wall.

He stared at the floor when he heard one of them crawl under the bed with him. And arm was wrapped around him. "Denki. We're so so so sorry. We were ignoring you because we were making a surprise for you. I know it's not an excuse to do that, but trust me. We all hated it." Mina said and kissed denkis head.

Denki leaned into the half hug and sniffled. "It hurt." He mumbled. "I know baby. It hurt us too. But, if it makes you feel any better it was Sero's idea." Mina said. "Hey!" They heard Sero say. Denki giggled a little. Mina crawled out from under denkis little fort. Denki slowly fallowed and only went untill his shoulders and head were out.

Bakugo chuckled and sat down. "Only gonna go half way. Fine. Listen Pikachu we didn't mean to cause you so much stress. Also nice job at snapping at icy hot." Bakugo said. Kiri lightly smacked him on the head. "What! Dumbass deserved it." Bakugo snapped. Denki giggled and rested his head on his arms that were folded infront of him.

"Pika, I'm so sorry." Sero said and layed down infront of him. Kiri sat down and ran his fingers through denkis hair. " Well never do it again." Kiri said.

Mina layed next to denki and backed up so they were even. "Well. Let's show him."

"Show me what?" Denki asked. Sero reached up and pulled a stuffed animal down. It was a little dog with floppy arms and legs and patches of orange,pink,red and black fur." We all pitched in and made him so if we're never there to cuddle you, he is." Sero said handing him the dog.

Denki smiled and hugged him close." Thank you." He smiled at them. "But pull that shit again and I'll fry you to crisps." Denki warned with a frown. They all nodded quickly. Sero and Kiri pulled denki up and bakugo and mina pulled him onto the bed. "Cuddle party!" Kiri said and layed next to denki and spooned him. Mina came over and hugged denki. Denki hugged back and giggled.

Bakugo spooned mina and Sero layed over them all like a waited blanket. "Soy sauce spoon me." Bakugo barked. "Ok ok Jesse." Sero said and did just that. Denki hugged mina close and smile at all of them. "I love you guys."

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