bakusquad boys.

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Sero sighed. He stared at himself in the mirror and rubbed his face. "What's wrong with me." He mumbled. "BABE!" Denki yelled running into Sero's room. Sero smiled and looked into his room from his bathroom. "In hear." He said.

He walked out and chuckled at the sight.  Kiri was giving denki a piggy back ride. "Dumbasses." Bakugo sighed but smiled. "Yeah. But we're your dumbasses." Sero said pulling bakugo into a short sweet kiss. Kiri whined softly. Sero chuckled and kissed Kiri. "Happy? The raven haired boy asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." Kiri smiled. Denki hopped off of kiris back and laid down in Sero's hammock. Kiri, bakugo and denki cuddled on Sero's bed. "Pikachu get over here." Bakugo said. Denki flopped onto bakugos lap and cuddled into bakugos chest while bakugo hugged him. "Awww." Kiri cooed. Sero chuckled and let Kiri sit in his lap.

"MY FAVORITE BOOM BOOM BOY PIKACHU, TAPE DESPENSER AND ROCK" mina screamed. "ALIEN QUEEN!" the boys screamed. "I'm taking a survey. I'm going around the class asking for pronouns and gender identity." Mina said pulling a clip board from behind her back out.

"Why? You know what nevermind. He/him. And boy." Bakugo said. "He/him boy." Denki said finger gunning her. "He/him man" Kiri said doing his pose. "Um." Sero said looking down like he was thinking.

"I'll get back with you on that." Mina said running out after closing the door. "Sero?" Kiri asked looking up. The black haird boy was thinking. He kinda felt like a boy but he also felt like a girl. But he felt mostly in between. "Sero. Hey Sero!" Denki was softly zapping his arm. "Hm sorry what?"

"We were asking you what your pronouns actually are." Bakugo said. "I um. I don't know." Sero mumbled looking away. "Hmmm. Ooh do you feel like a boy?" Denki asked. "Kinda" "what about a girl?" "Also kinda." "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being ehh and 10 being yes all the way. How much do you feel like your in between girl and boy." Denki said now getting in Sero's lap after Kiri got off for denki to do his interview.

"Um. 10." Sero mumbled. "How would you feel if we called you by they/them?" Denki finished. Sero thought about it. "Yeah. Yeah I like that." Sero smiled. "Yay!" Denki smiled happily. "Tch dumbass." Bakugo chuckled. "Can we call you pretty and handsome?", Kiri asked. Sero nodded. Bakugo crawled over and hugged Sero's side. "Aww." Denki cooed. "Shut up!" Bakugo snapped.

"Sush." Kiri said kissing bakugos head and cuddling into Sero's other side. Denki rested his head on Sero's shoulder. Sero hugged denki close. Mina came back in and awwed and the scene. "So what are your pronouns my weed dealer." Mina asked. "They them" Sero said. Mina nodded and left yelling at tsu. "They were the last one."

Sero smiled and kissed denkis head. "Guys look at Sero." Denki said staring at him. Bakugo and Kiri did so. "How are they so pretty." Denki whined. "no no no dumbass. There handsome." Bakugo said. "mmmm. I say pretty.", Kiri said and giggled. Sero was a blushing mess. "Awww. Their blushing. What shy from us calling you pretty?" Kiri said and kissed Sero's cheek.

"Stooooop." Sero giggled and buried their face into denkis neck. Bakugo hugged Sero's side like a koala and Kiri came around to spoon bakugo. Denki pulled Sero's blankets over all of them and curled up into Sero's chest. "Tired denks?" Sero asked running their hand through denkis hair. "Mmm. A little." Denki mumbled. "Go to sleep then." Bakugo yawned. Kiri was already dozing off while hugging bakugo from behind. Sero was also getting drowsy from being cuddled by their boyfriends.

Denki and bakugo and Kiri all fell asleep a couple minutes later. Sero yawned and turned over so bakugo and denki were cuddled up and Sero was spooning denki. They fell asleep happy that they helped tem figure out their pronouns.

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