ive got you. monoshin

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Shinso pov

I woke up one morning tired like always and walked down into the common room for the first time in two week since we took a break. I noticed most of the class. I yawned and started making some coffee.

I noticed kendo walking in with a slumping monama behind her. I was suspicious as i had never seen monama so... Deflated... I saw them go to monamas room and decided to fallow them. I put my ear against the door to listen. "Now dont you look... Ok." I heard kendo say and i heard a click, like a color was being attached

"Kendo... I dont like this. Please, take it off." Monama mumbled. I kept quiet and heard a loud slap. "Now you listen here. Your gonna were it so people know your mine." I heard a very angry kendo shout. I was fuming when i heard monama whimper. I hid when i heard kendo coming to the door.

When she left i ran into monamas dorm and saw him only the floor hding the back of his head and was crying. I shut and locked the door. "Neito..." I said softly and squatted down next to him. My heart broke when he flinched. "S-shinso. What a-are you doing here." He snifled and held his head. "Kendo was acting weird so i followed you. Lets get you some ice." I said and picked monama up and sat him on his bed.

I went and got and ice pack and came back. Monama took it as i sat next to him. His shoulders were slumped down and thats when i noticed the coller. "Neito whats this?" I asked and reached for it. Neito flinched back so much i had to cach him. "Hey hey hey whats wrong." I asked worried. "I-i... Shin.. I-i dont like it. Kendo makes me were it a-and if i dont she slaps me so hard i get a h-headache." Monama ended up crying into my shoulder. "The fuck. Here." I said and took it off. "I- i dont want to belong to her or anyone. I just want someone to hold me and love me." Neito ranted. I sat him in my lap and hugged him softly.

He hugged back and sniffled. "You already have someone and your hugging him." I said softly. Neito pulled back and smiled then giggled. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed back. Just then the door busted open. "Neito what the hell. Cheating on me and your not wereing your coller!" Kendo screamed. Monama whimpered and i held him behind me. "Now you listen here bitch! Neito dosent belong to anyone. Hes not a dog you can put a coller on and order him around! Hes not property and yet you act like he is! So why dont you go to the principle and get yourself expelled." I shouted using my quirk on here. Monama was shaking so hard. I turned and hugged him tightly.

"Its ok shes gone." I said and sofy kissed neito. "I love you more than she ever could." I said looking into his eyes. "Y-you wont make me we-were a coller right?" He asked. "Never in a million years." I said. He kissed me and i kissed back.

I layed us down and soon monama fell asleep. I made a promise that no one will ever hurt him like that again.

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