shut the Fuck up (bakusero)

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Bakugo was trying to change. Honestly he was. He started by trying not to yell so much. He also tried to help out more and cook for the class.

It had been a long day of school. Everyone was walking to the dorms when deku tripped. Bakugo sighed and walked up and stuck his hand out to held deku up. Deku looked up at him and smiled a little and was about to reach up when ochako came over.

"Bakugo stop bullying izuku!" She shouted. "I wasnt-" "bakugo bullying a classmate is not honorable."iida interjected." " I was hel-." "Save it bakugo we all know you were gonna call him an idiot for tripping." Shoto cut in.

By now izuku had stood up and there was a little crowed of students watching. "why are you at u.a anyway all you do is bully and yell." Ochako said and some nodded.

Bakugo was trying to speak the whole time and started to break. " Would you shut up and listen! I was gonna help him up! And I haven't yelled or bullied him in an entire month! I've cooked for all of 1-A so you fucks wouldn't starve! But I guess all my effort was for nothing since all I'll be known for is the loud blond that has anger issues. Fuck you Fuck life. I'm leaving." Bakugo ranted. A few Tears were shed. He walked away from u.A and the dorms.

He whipped his eyes with his sleeve as he walked. Eventually he made it to a park next to a forest. He walked into the forest and after walking for 20 minutes he came across a small lake. He sat down on a rock and cried.

His head snapped up when he heard a branch snap. He looked around and saw sero walking over and searching through his bag. He sat next to bakugo and pulled out two blunts. Bakugo was whipped his eyes when sero spoke up.

"Stress?" Sero asked pulling out a lighter. Bakugo slowly nodded. " How did you find me?" Bakugo asked. "I saw were you went and fallowed you after screaming at the class." Sero said.

"Wanna smoke?" He asked holding up the two blunts. "Sure." Bakugo said not really caring anymore. He took one and watched as sero lit his and handed the lighter to bakugo. He took it and lit his. Bakugo sat the lighter down and took a puff and breathed it out. " You look like you know what you doing." Sero joked and took a puff.

"Eh. Tried this stuff before. I have some in my room Incase I get too stressed." Bakugo said. Sero nodded and looked over at bakugo. " How about this. Every Saturday you and me come hear and smoke and just, talk." Sero said laying down on the large rock. Bakugo thought for a moment then nodded. He laid next to sero and looked over at him. "I like that idea." Bakugo said and smiled a genuine smile.

Sero took another puff and looked up at the now night sky. Bakugo looked up and tried to count the stars he saw.

The two sat there for a few moments before sero spoke up. " Bakugo can I try something?" He asked. "Sure." Bakugo replied feeling the effects of the weed a little. Sero sat him up and put his fingers under bakugos chin and tilted his head up. Bakugo blushed and gulped a bit. Sero took a puff of smoke into his mouth and breathed it out slowly. Bakugo cought on and breathed that in. (Is that easy to understand? I'm bad at explaining.)

Sero pulled back to see bakugo with a dazed expression and smiled. Bakugo regained himself and looked at sero. "Holy shit that was nice." Bakugo breathed out. Sero chuckled and was about to take another breath of the blunt but was pulled into a kiss by bakugo.

Sero blushed deeply and kissed back. After a few moments bakugo pulled back and went wide eyed.

"Shit sero I didn't mean to i-" bakugo was cut off by sero kissing him lightly. "it's ok bakubabe." Sero whispered softly and kissed bakugos neck.

Bakugo moaned softly. Sero chuckled and ran his hand through bakugos hair. "So. Are we dating now?" Bakugo asked and finished his blunt. "only of you want to." Sero said and kissed bakugo again. "Yeah I wanna date you." Bakugo said. "Can you do that smoke thing you did to me earlier?"

"Oh you mean shotgunning. Sure." Sero smirked while bakugo sat on seros lap. The raven haired boy breathed in some smoke and repeated the action from earlier. Bakugo smiled lazily. Sero did it again only this time bakugo kissed him while Sero breathed out. The two moaned softly and pulled back.

Both were a little dazed as they stared at each other. Bakugo dove in and kissed Sero deeply. Sero kissed back just as deep. The two started to heatidly make out. Bakugo shifted in Sero's lap a little as he broke to breath a little and went back to kissing him.

"Bakugo. We should head back to my dorm." Sero said in between kisses. "But I don't wanna. Those fuckers pissed me off I don't wanna see any of them." Bakugo said taking another puff. "That's fair. But we can just ignore them." Sero said and shotgunned bakugo again.

Bakugo nodded lazily as he started to feel a little tired. His head was fuzzy and he felt like he was floating. Sero chuckled and put out the blunts. He stood up and picked up bakugo.

Bakugo rested his head on Sero's shoulder. "Sero my heads fuzzy. I feel like I'm floating." Bakugo mumbled. Sero chuckled, "well we did do a lot of weed. And I'm carrying you so that might be why." Bakugo yawned and nodded.

They got to UA and went up to Sero's room ignoring everyone. Sero layed bakugo down and layed next to him. Bakugo cuddled into Sero's chest. "Love you." Bakugo said before falling asleep. Sero smiled and kissed bakugos forehead. "I love you too." Sero said and fell asleep with bakugo.

Please kill me I'm tired

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