(not a ship) papa

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Good dad Kai au

"I saved you Eri."

That's what she heard when they took her away from him. Eri stood in front of deku staring blankly at him. "Eri? Hey what's wrong?" Miro asked. "You took me away from my papa." Eri said. Deku and Miro shared a glance.

"Eri he wasn't your papa. He took you from your mom and abused you. C'mon let's take you back to UA. there gonna take overhaul away for a long time." Deku said about to pick her up. Eri moved back and punch deku in the gut like Kai taught her.

"No! He saved me! Mama was mean and hurt me. Papa saved me and fed me and kept me happy! He didn't hurt me like mama! Papa made sure I was healthy and never got sick! I want my papa back!" Eri screamed, her horn glowing a little.

Deku and Miro stood dumbfounded. The police stopped putting overhaul in the police car and looked over. The chief sighed and motioned for them to let Kai go to Eri. The police did so and un handcuffed him. Eri noticed and ran over. Kai but down and picked her up. "Eri are you alright they didn't hurt you did they.?" Kai asked scanning over her for any scratches.

"Nope. But they tried to take me away and give me back to mama." She said and hugged him the best she could. Kai looked over at everyone and sighed. "Eri. They might take me away. I know it's not fair to you but they believe I've hurt you. I don't want you to be sad or mad ok. There heros." Kai said sadly but tried to smile for Eri.

"No! They can't take you away. You haven't done anything. You didn't hurt me. Please." Eri said sniffling. "Oh dear I know. But when your older you can visit me. Just know I love you ok. I'm sure the hero's will find you a good home.", He said and kissed eris forehead. All might was about to tell the police to separate them but aizawa stopped him. He went over to the police and the two.

"How about this. The police will take overhaul in for questioning and just that. If he proves that he never hurt Eri and did save her he will be aloud custody of Eri and granted a home close to UA so we can keep an eye on him." Aizawa said. The police nodded and Kai smiled. "Thank you." He said. Aizawa nodded.

"See Eri. You don't have to worry. Aizawas gonna look after you while I'm gone." Kai said and passed her off to the underground hero. "You promise papa will come back?" Eri asked aizawa. "Yes I promise." He replied. Kai got in the car as the police officer and they drove off. Aizawa walked over to mic and shot a glare at Miro and deku.

He and mic drove home with Eri. When they got there, they got out and led Eri to the house. Eri fallowed them and held onto aizawas pant leg. "ok Eri. That room is were your gonna be staying in." Aizawa said picking her up and showing her the room. Eri smiled and looked around.

"Dinner!" Yamada shouted. Aizawa went back down with Eri. He sat her down in a chair And sat infront of her in his own chair. Shinso shuffled down and sat next to Eri. Once dinner was over aizawa got a message that Kai is telling the truth and is innocent.

The next day aizawa drove Eri over to the house overhaul and Eri would be living at. Eri climbed out of the car excitedly and ran over to Kai who was standing on the front porch. "Papa papa!" Eri said while Kai picked her up.

"I know. I'm here." Kia said and hugged her close. "Was she ok with you?" He asked aizawa. "Yes she was." Aizawa said with a smile. "I had better go back to U.A. if you need anything the schools just down the road." Aizawa said. "By Mr aizawa!" Eri said, waving to him.

"Thank you again." Kai said. Aizawa waved by to Eri and nodded to Kai and then walked off.

"So Eri. What movie do you wanna watch?" Kai said turning to the door. "Bolt!" She yelled happily. Kai chuckled and went inside. "Very well."

I procrastinate like a motherfucker

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