I'm so sorry (denkibaku)

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Denki was stressed. He had all his homework done but mineta kept bugging him. Denki went down to the kitchen with mineta fallowing. "I'm just saying dude. The girls could easily fall for you if you just fallowed my lead." The grape said.

"Stop it stop it stop it stop it," denki repeated as he sat down on a bar stool. He had his eyes closed and was trying not to electrocute someone. "Also momo's totally falling for me, I mean with her big," me mineta was cut off by denki. "STOP IT." he yelled and accidentally zapped mineta and bakugo who was in the kitchen cleaning some dishes.

Denki calmed down and quickly looked over at bakugo. His hair was fizzy and he wasn't moving. "dunce." Bakugo said slowly and started to turn around.

Denki was crying at this point and booked it to his room in a panic. He zoomed up the stairs and into his room. He could here bakugo stomping after him so he hid in his closet and tucked his knees up to his chest and cried softly into his knees.

He jumped when the door slammed open and closed. "Dunce face get out here!" Bakugo yelled. Denki whimpered softly and lightning started to spark around him. The closet opened and denki flinched back. "Dunce? Er," bakugo sighed and calmed down. "denki c'mere." Bakugo said sitting down infront of him.

Denki shook his head no and started to panic again when he looked up and saw the little lightning sparks. He gripped his hair and breathed heavily. Bakugo quickly pulled denki into a hug, ignoring the small zaps he was getting. Denki stayed still and tried to breath normally but he didn't hug back. "God damnit. Denki just hug me back your not gonna hurt me."

Bakugo huffed. Denki slowly hugged him back and sniffled into bakugos shoulder. He calmed down and stopped zapping bakugo. Bakugo sighed and pulled back and held denkis head in his hands. "Now are you going to tell me why the Fuck you zapped the Fuck out of me in the kitchen." Bakugo asked.

"Um. M-mineta kept bugging me and I've been so stressed over the tests and papers I'm missing a-and-" denki was cut off by bakugo kissing him. "Denki. Kaminari. Calm down ok. Don't listen to mineta, I can ask aizawa to push the due date back a bit for you and I can help with the papers." Bakugo mumbled after pulling away. Denki blushed then smiled.

Denki kissed bakugo back and wrapped his arms around bakugos neck. Baku picked denki off the floor and sat him on his bed. "Ok you little shit. I'm going to go make some food. You pick a movie." Bakugo said,kissed denkis head then left.

Denki smiled and pulled out his laptop and pulled up Netflix. He finally decided on princess and the frog. Bakugo came back with two bowls of food and sat next to denki. He handed him a bowl and wrapped a blanket around them.

Denki pressed play and cuddled into bakugos side as they cuddled for the rest of the night

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