𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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I stretched my arms above my head as I stood outside the dojo. I had just left after a day of 'beginners' training, which I didn't need. I knew that Sensei had deliberately only made me practice beginner stuff because of my actions earlier this morning. As the day had gone by, a few more students had come into the dojo. And as I expected, most of them were dudes.

It wasn't fair. He deserved what he got for underestimating me.

It was the late evening, and the sun had already begun to set. My mom had texted me about ten minutes ago, saying she would be about twenty minutes late. The wind was cool now, causing small goosebumps to appear on my arms.

I had forgotten a jacket.

I decided to go into the small store next the karate dojo while I waited. I could go for a soda. I placed my bag down on the pavement by the store's entrance. It was then when I noticed that my "Sensei's" car was still there. I had overheard him bragging about it on the phone earlier during my lessons. I mean, it was a nice car, though. I loved it's red color. It looked shiny under the fluorescent lights illuminating from the 'Open' sign on the door of another mini-store.

I shook my head slightly and headed into the store. I greeted the cashier before going to the drink section to get a Sprite bottle. As I paid the cashier, something from outside caught my eye. It was a man.

Why does he have my bag?!

I grabbed my sprite and ran outside, dropping it on the pavement as I lunged for the man. I couldn't tell who it was, seeing as he had a black hoodie on.

I tackled him to the ground and snatched my bag from his bony hands, throwing it a few yards away.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at him as he laid there on the ground, his face full of shock.

He looked homeless. He had a messy, scraggly long beard and dirt on his pale face. He looked (and smelled) as if he never heard of 'Personal Hygeine'.

He bared his teeth a me, hissing.

Is he like... a furry or something? Why the hell is he HISSING? I thought, confused and a bit scared as I hovered over him.

"Get off me!" His hoarse voice yowled back at me.

He pushed me off him and began to swing his bony, pale fist at me. I was taken by suprise, so I had just about no time to react.
And just as I was about to sucker punched by a homeless guy, a hand caught his fist in midair.

What the-?

I looked over to who had caught the fist, opening my eyes from when they were squinted, preparing for a blow to the face.

"Sensei?" I asked, obvious confusion and shock spread across my face.

He was standing in between the two of us, steadily holding the guy's fist. His blonde haired looked messier than before, and he was now in a light blue T-shirt, jeans, and a jean jacket. The homeless man had to look up to see his face, and his eyes widened when he did.

Seriously?! I didn't need any help! I complained in my head.

Sensei kicked the man in his stomach, causing the poor guy to fall to the ground again, writhing in pain.

He turned back to me with an irritated expression on his face before beginning to walk away again. As if he was doing me some huge favor by interfering.


"Hey! You listen here, sir-" I began, raising my voice.

He turned around and stared at me with a slightly confused look.

𝑨 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒚 𝑶𝒘𝒏 | | 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Where stories live. Discover now