Drunk Emma

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*Johnny's POV*

Great. Shes fucking drunk.

"But laying is for babies!" Emma whined.

"Don't care." I muttered as Aisha led her inside and over to the couch of my apartment. I watched as she flopped down on it, rubbing her face on the cushion.


"Mhmm." Aisha said, looking down at her with a sympathetic look.

"How did she even get alchohol?" I asked, creasing my eyebrows.

"We had a party at the canyon... Hawk helped us get it."

"Oh... nice, actually." I nodded, impressed with my students.

"...but still! How much did she drink?!"

"How drunk could you get from a plastic cup filled with vodka?"

I covered my face with my hands and groaned. Knowing LaRusso, he'd have an absolute shit-fit if he found it. I kinda felt bad. I knew first-hand what a total prick that guy could be.

I grimaced, remembering earlier this evening when I had found out he was training my son.

Now this?

I sighed.

"Alright, you can go. I've got it handled from here. She's gonna hate you tommorow, though. The girl despises me."

"She told you that?"

"Told me what?"

"That she despises you?"

"Well, no. But-"

"Ok, then. Bye Sensei." She looked at Emma once more before quickly walking out.

"Aisha, no!" Emma yelled, getting back up and stumbling a bit towards the door. She fell awkwardly after managing to go forward about three feet.

She groaned and remained still on the floor, her face planted into my carpet.

"You're an idiot." I told her.

"You're an uhm... idiot!" She slurred back from the floor.

I sighed and walked over to her. I crouched down and lifted her up, hoisting her over my shoulder a bit and laying her back down on the couch.

She sniffled.

I was quiet for a moment.

Is she alright?

I leaned down closer to her and tapped her shoulder. Her face was covered by her arms.

"You okay?"

She said nothing.

Then suddenly, she removed her hands and outretched them above her, smacking me in the face as she did so.

"Boo!" She laughed, a wide grin now on her face.

"Ow! You hit my face." I growled.

"Oh, please~ you're finneeee..Mister Lawrence."

"I already told you. That sounds stupid. Call me Johnny."

"I miss when you were my Sensei. That was fun." The drunk girl giggled.

"You hated me, though." I stated flatly, sitting down in the chair beside the couch, looking to the TV.

"Well, yeah. At first. You were just rude. I meannn you still are, but I figured that it's just a mask."

"A mask, huh?"

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