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I woke up with a groan.

Maybe sleeping in the fort wasn't the best idea.

The pillows and blankets were scattered everywhere around me. I guess I moved around alot in my sleep. I reached out for my phone beside me on the floor, my eyes half open.

"It's up here." Sam spoke from above me. I opened my eyes fully to see her tapping me phone on the nightstand by her bed. Her hair was sticking out in every direction. I guessed that mine looked the same way.

"Oh, thanks." I mumbled in the most polite way you could mumble something after just waking up.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat up and grabbed my phone from her.

Sam looked over at her alarm clock on the nightstand, sitting up as well.

"Nine o' clock in the morning. It's fine though. It's saturday."

I dragged my hand over my face, once more recalling last night's events.

What the hell is wrong with me? I completely messed things up, and then I went to sleep... thinking about JOHNNY LAWRENCE?!

I groaned again, disgusted with myself.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked curiously.

"Nothing." I replied, picking myself up off the floor. I made my way to the bathroom down the hall and washed my face and brushed through my hair using Sam's brush.

After I was done, I waited back in Sam's room while she took her turn in the bathroom, sitting on the pile of pillows and blankets we had called a fort. The blinds were still drawn, leaving the room still somewhat dark.

I scrolled through my notifications.

Nothing important. I noted as Sam appeared in the doorway, smiling.

"What're you so happy for?" I asked, tiliting my head and looking up at her.

"Banana Pancakes!" She beamed.

A similar look appeared on my face as well. Me and Sam absolutely loved banana pancakes.

I jumped up from the floor. Me and my cousin rushed down to the dining room and plopped down in chairs that were right next to eachother.

The table was already set for breakfast and I looked up to see Uncle Dan over the stove, stacking the pancakes on a plate.

"Hey, kiddos." He greeted us.

I smiled up at him. I was glad that we were able to work things out last night.

He placed the pancakes down in front of us and Sam and I dug in.

Soon, Aunt Amanda and my little cousin, Anthony came down for breakfast as well. We all joked and chatted as we ate. It was so much different and lively than breakfasts I would have with Mom now. Me and Sam spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the fort and waiting for my Mom to show up with my clothes and other things I would need for the week at Uncle Dan's house. Grandma and my cousin Louie were supposed to be coming over here later, too.

It was about noon when Sam, Anthony and I heard the doorbell ring while we were sitting on the couch with our phones.

"Grandma!" Anthony cheered as he ran to the door, Sam and I right behind him.

Grandma, my Mom, and my older cousin Louie were in the doorway, smiling at all three of us.

"Hey, cuties! Give me a hug!" She beamed as she and my Mom wrapped all three of us in a famous "Larusso Hug."

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