Molting (Part Two)

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The next day, Sam and I were laying out by the pool in our bathing suits tops.

Well, Sam was just wearing a one-piece with a cover-up tied around her waist. I was wearing shorts and a bikini top. Mine was black with a pastel teal pattern for the string holding it up around my neck. We had decided to "bask in the glorious sunlight" as we had both dramatically put it. I'd be training in the dojo soon with Uncle Dan and that Robby kid later, so I figured I'd relax for a bit.

My brown mid length hair was splayed out against the chair under me as I closed my eyes and soaked up the sun. I had half a mind to jump in the pool, but reasoned with myself that I'd have to dry off immediately after.

The two of us laid there in silence. That was until I heard a rustling noise.

Robby. I guessed. Everyone else was inside, and he was supposed to come over around this time.

I didn't lift my head up though. I wanted to see exactly what he would do. 

I guess the guy decided to go back the way he came, since it was only a few seconds later that I heard the bamboo windchime rattling from him accidentally running into it.

I supressed a laugh and finally opened my eyes, as did Sam. The two of us got up and walked over to him.

"Oh, hey." Sam politely greeted him.

"Leaving so soon?" I said with amusement.

Robby's face flushed, embarrassed at himself. He looked around a bit as he talked, avoiding looking at us in our bathing suits. Poor kid must've been embarrassed as hell.

"Aw, I'm just kidding, man. Whatcha doin'?" I spoke after a moment.

"Sorry... I- I was looking for Mr.LaRusso. He's been training me back here in the dojo." He said, looking at Sam.

I think he has a crush on her. How cute. I grinned.

"Then I should thank you. He tried roping me into it. Now he has you and Emma here to keep him busy." Sam replied.

I hummed in agreement with her.

"So you must be the daughter he talks about all the time." Robby smiled nervously.

"I would hope so. I'm Samantha." Sam grinned back.

"Uncle Dan should be around here, somewhere-" I began as he stepped out of the house with a cooler and a duffel bag slung around his shoulder.

"Oh, look at this." He said, observing all three of us.

" current student and my former student. And then one of both."

"If you wanna join us, Sam, there's still time." I told my cousin enticingly.

"I'm actually going to the mall with Mom and Grandma." Sam replied informingly, looking at me and Uncle Dan.

"Oh thats... good. Just text me if theres any bloodshed. Emma, just hurry up and change into a shirt or something and we'll be ready to go." He said.

"Sure thing." I saluted before running up to the guest room. I slipped on a black Bon Jovi T-shirt over my bikini top and left my shorts on before meeting Uncle Dan and Robby back outside.

It didn't take long for me to figure out exactly where we were going.

"The tree?" I asked my uncle from the back seat of the SUV.


"Again, where is the tree?" Robby asked, confused, as we trekked through the woods.

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