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"A STUDENT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME, CANDACE?!" Uncle Daniel yelled into his phone.

Him and I were now sitting in his living room with my Mom on speaker as my uncle started going off on her.

"Look, Daniel, I get it. You hate him. But his dojo was closer to where we live. And it was cheaper." My mom's voice filled the room from the phone, trying to reason with him.

"I would have been more than happy to pay for her lessons myself, rather than have her go there! In fact, I'd rather her just start training here again! I've got a dojo set up in the gara-"

"We don't need your money, or pity, Daniel! I made a choice for MY daughter. NOT yours! You aren't her father!" My mom argued back, now growing more frustrated.

I shifted uncomfortably on the couch.

"Well, I've sure been more of a father to her than HE ever was! What'd you see in that scumbag, anyway?!"

Everyone went silent.

I looked at my uncle as I felt tears begin to prick at my eyes once more.

Did he really just say that...?

Uncle Dan looked back at me, his guilt obvious on his face. I could tell that he already regretted saying that.

"Excuse me?!" My Mom yelled from the other side of the phone.

I glared at my uncle before getting up and leaving the room. As I left, I heard the two of them begin to argue again.

"How DARE you?! Right in front of her, Daniel?"

"Look, Candace , I'm sorry..."


I walked out into the backyard by the pool and flopped down on the pool chair with a huff. It was dark out, but it was kind of relaxing at the same time.

I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes again.

No. I've cried enough today.

My eyes didn't seem to care much about that, though, as the tears streamed down my face anyway.

I began to think.

I thought about my "scumbag" dad. I thought about how I may never be able to go back to Cobra Kai. I thought about how I disappointed Uncle Daniel... How I lied to my mom about going to the meeting. No doubt I would have to a 'conversation' with her later, too.

Everything's a mess.

I placed my arm over my eyes, kind of how you see people "faint" in those dramatic plays. I always wondered why they did that... its not like anyone actually faints like that.

Oddly enough, it was kind of comforting.

The only good thing was that Sensei hadn't seemed to hate me, after he found out I was a Larusso. I smiled lightly, remembering our conversation outside the meeting.
I had really thought he despised me. But I guess not. He even said I was one of his best students. I sniffled and a tiny, smug smile appeared on my lips.

My mind shifted to when we held hands. I don't even know why we did it. Or how we just did it in the first place, but...

It was... nice.

I guess it's a Sensei thing?

I sighed.

And now I'll probably never get to go back there...

I sniffled again and began to wipe my tears.
I had been crying for long enough, and the arguing from inside had died down and gotten quieter.

I got up from the chair, my feet flinching at first by the coldness of the concrete.

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