All Valley

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We started off class class today by bowing to Sensei, who was up in front.

All of us had gotten our white Gi's. I would terribly miss being able to practice with just comfortable clothes on, but I had to admit, the Gi's were much more comfortable than the ones at my former dojo.
It had been about almost a week ago that I had that argument with Sensei Lawrence (where I flipped him off).

After a few classes, things kind of went back to how they were before the argument.

You know, us despising eachother... making petty side comments... the glaring... the eye-rolling. That sort of thing.

Everday, Sensei would pick something for me to clean at the end of class. I didn't dare to argue with him on it though. I couldn't let it get to me. That would be making him think he won. So I would just act unbothered about the whole thing.

No matter how annoying it was, I still felt as though I should still apoligize for flipping him the bird.
Don't get me wrong, I despised that rude, Logan Paul lookalike, wanna-be badass. Buttttt I also felt obliged to correct the one error of my ways that I felt like I shouldn't have committed.

"Earth to Emma?" Aisha's voice brought me back to reality, snapping her fingers at me.

"Oh, sorry." I smiled, getting into a fighting position as she turned back to the front, getting in her's as well.
I separated my feet and held my fists up accordingly.

I looked over at Hawk/Eli, who Sensei Lawrence had just corrected on his fighting stance.

"Stabilize your base, Hawk." Sensei instructed him as he got into position himself, demonstrating how it should be done. I looked over at him as he did so.

"Keep your balance. Full rotation when you strike." Sensei said as he punched out ahead of himslef with his fist.

To be honest, he was very skilled.

Hawk copied him, correcting his recent error.

"Yes, Sensei! Hai!" He said as he did so.

Sensei nodded and continued to work his way through the rows, that was until one kid (to whom he referred to as "virgin") flinched as Sensei passed him.

Sensei paused beside the boy.

"Did you just flinch, virgin?" He asked, leaning down a bit but still looking down at the kid.

Virgin said nothing, and Sensei began to walk forward again. However, he jumped at the kid behind Virgin, who also flinched at his sudden movement.

...Are these kids ok?

"Holy shit. We got a room full of flinchers." Sensei said while looking around the room, wide-eyed and astonished.

"Yes Sensei!" All of the students, besides myself, chanted.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Speak for yourselves.

I had already moved past my flinching phase years ago.

"That was not a question!" Sensei yelled back at them.

I grinned at his frustration.

"Raise your hand if you never been punched in the face." Sensei said.

Almost every one of the newer students raised their hands, besides me, making me feel like the odd one out.

Sensei looked over at me with my hand down. 

"Wow, Im suprised, Princess. I'd figure you to be the one who did the punching." He teased.

"It's Emma, and, trust me, I did my fair share of punching as well." I replied dryly.

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