Chapter 1 - Summer Night Hangout

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Today's Your Final Week of Summer Vacation before you start your first freshman year of high school, you were reading your favorite book until you heard something hit your window. You look out it's your best friend, Tom.
Tom: You up?
Y/N: yeah, I'm up. What are you doing here? Is it late?
Tom: I can't hang out with my best friend?
Y/N: you could have just called or texted me.
Tom: what's the fun in that.
Y/N: I'm coming down now. Don't do anything to get me in trouble.
Tom: no promises.
You put some shorts on and headed downstairs.
Dad: Well, look who decided to come downstairs, my baby boy.
Y/N: Hey, dad.
Dad: I know that face Tom must be outside again.
Y/N: you know me too well.
Dad: Well, the Pizza on the way, just the save a slice for your mom, okay.
Then the front door opens.
Mom: Yall, we're going to keep Little Tommy outside in the heat.
Your mom walks in with Tom behind her.
Y/N: I was going to let him in. Dad distracted me with pizza.
Mom: You ordered pizza too?
Dad: Yes, I thought you'd be working late.
Mom: It looks like we're getting two pizzas.
Y/N & Tom: Pizza Party!!!
Both of the Pizza arrives. It was cheezy and hot that the cheese was melting on your tongue.
Tom: this is delicious.
Y/N: I'm Stuffed.
Mom: well, since you have company, me and your father will go out for a bit.
Y/N: Okay, be safe, okay.
Dad: Don't destroy the house, please.
Tom: We promise we won't.
Your parents leave the house.
Tom: I haven't seen your parents go out in a while.
Y/N: they're scared that I'll have another Panic Attack if I'm left alone.
Tom: Well, I'm here to keep your company, friend.
Y/N: thanks. I got Mario Kart. Want to play?
Tom: only if you want to get your ass kicked.
Y/N: Pfft in your dreams, Holland.
You both race upstairs, and you put on Mario Kart. One more game could determine who win the game.
Tom: it's no way I lose this.
Y/N: it's sure is a way it's me.
You cross the finish line and win the cup.
Tom: I let you win, okay.
Y/N: sure, whatever you say.
Tom: You still got that old camping tent?
You go to your closet and pull it out.
Tom: Nice, let's camp in your backyard like old times.
Y/N: sure.
Tom carries the tent to the backyard while you grab snacks while in the kitchen to hear Tom talking to someone. You held the snacks and walked outside. Tom was talking to your new neighbors. It's a pair of Twins.
Tom: There he is, Y/N. Hurry you, slowpoke.
You walked to them.
Tom: Y/N, this Diego and his sister Jessica.
Y/N: Hey.
They both wave to you.
Jessica: What are you two doing?
Y/N: Backyard camping do you want to join?
Tom looks at you with worry in his eyes.
Tom: Only if you want to.
Diego: Sure, sounds fun. We'll be right over.
They both run into their house.
Y/N: They seem nice.
Tom: Yeah, I don't think they're the camping type.
Y/N: they'll be fine.
You help Tom fix the tent.
Tom: Remember when one day we decided to do this ourselves for the first time.
Y/N: yeah, when you sobbed thinking it was a ghost.
Tom: it still could be one. I'm not giving up hope on that.
Jessica: hello!
You walk up to the gate and open it.
Y/N: Welcome Welcome.
They both come in.
Jessica: I brought bug spray and some flashlights.
Diego: I got some stuff to make Smores.
Y/N: thank you.
They're waking fully in Tom finishes the tent.
Tom: all done.
He walks to you three.
Tom: It's Tent testing time. Are You ready Y/N?
Jessica: Can I help?
Tom: I don't know. It's a whole system that usually me and y/n. Do it.
Y/N: it's okay too. Can teach Jessica.
Tom's face looks disappointed, but he still shows Jessica how it goes.
Diego: so how long you and Tom been friends?
Y/N: since the second grade, we do pretty much everything together.
Diego: even shower?
You jump back.
Y/N: no, that would be weird.
Diego: I'm just fuckin with you.
You sigh in relief while he laughs Tom and Jessica cone back.
Jessica: It took a while, but I did it.
Tom: she got stuck on the handshake part.
Y/N: I forgot the portable Stove.
You walk inside, and everyone follows you.
Tom: same place?
Y/N: yeah.
Tom grabs the Portable Stove.
Jessica: your house is lovely. Are your parents home?
Y/N: they just went out for the night.
You all went in the back into the backyard sitting on the grass, watching the night sky.
Jessica: it's so beautiful.
Y/N: right.
Tom sits next to you with your s'more ready.
Tom: it's hot, so please be careful.
Y/N: I will, I promise.
You take a bite of its perfect mixture of sweetness are going through your tastebuds.
Tom: is it tasty?
Y/N: yeah, it's perfect.
Diego: can I get a bite?
Y/N: you got your own.
Diego: I want to see if your taste different.
Y/N: fine.
You feed him a piece of yours. Tom looks at the both of you while Jessica continues to munch on her s'more
Diego: Yours is better!
Then his phone started to ring.
Diego: tine for us to go. Let's go, Jess.
They both get up, and you walk them to the gate.
Jessica: bye y/n, bye Tom.
Tom waves bye.
Diego: see you tomorrow, Neighbor.
They leave, and you sit in the tent with tom. You take a deep breath.
Y/N: Tom, can I tell you something?
Tom: do I even need to answer that question.
Y/N: I haven't told anyone this, not even my parents.
He looks at you with a severe face.
Y/N: I'm Gay.
You both sit in silence for a while.
Tom: how long since you found out?
Y/N: Since 6th grade, I was scared to say anything for a while.
Tom: you know I'll be your best friend no matter what, right.
Y/N: of course.
You both hug each other and watched the stars.

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