Chapter 17 - Wrong Turn

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You back up, looking at the ground.
Tom: y/n?
You look at him for a split second and walk out the door.
Tom: Y/N?!
He follows you outside the house.
Tom: where are you going?
He grabs your hand, and you immediately snatch it away.
Tom: what the hell is up with you.
You look at him with tears in your eyes.
Y/N: piss off Holland.
Tom: not until you tell me what's wrong.
He tries to reach out to you, but you push him onto the ground, and you walk away.
Tom: F/N, L/N!
You continue to walk until you finally get home. Nobody seemed to be home at the time, so you just flopped onto your bed; your phone ring, you look at it.
Y/N: what's wrong with me.
You let your phone continue to ring, looking at the ceiling fan.
Y/N: he's my boyfriend, my best friend. He would never hurt me.
You stood up, clenching your fingers.
Y/N: dammit.
The next day at school
You go to your locker, putting your books away. Once you closed it, you saw Tom looking at you from up the hall, but he just
Y/N: shit.
You head towards your first-period class; not a lot of people were in class since your getting closer to winter break. As the day went on, you didn't see Tom, not at lunch or last class.
Y/N: did be leave?
After school, you walk home, you looking at the ground. As your about to cross the street, you look up to a car just about to hit you, but someone pulls you back before you got hit.
Tom: Watch it y/n!
Y/N: Tom!
You hug him as tightly as possible.
Tom: Ouch.
He hugs you back.
Y/N: I'm sorry.
Tom: did I do something wrong?
Y/N: no, of course not. It's just...
You look away from him.
Y/N: can we go somewhere to talk.
He reaches his hand out to you, and you take it to continue your walk. Your body went to the beach, your favorite place to hang around you sit on the sand. It's pretty chilly out, so Tom let you use his hoodie.
Y/N: I can't take this. You're going to be cold.
Tom: I'll be fine.
Y/N: you're too nice to me even when I was mean to you.
Tom: I'm pretty sure you had a good reason to be.
Y/N: I panicked, I guess.
Tom: it seemed like there was more to that.
Y/N: last year at summer camp, I was in the same situation like I was in your room.
Tom: Last Summer.
Y/N: it was last bonfire night.
Tom: But you said you felt sick.
Y/N: I lied.
You look at the ground.
Y/N: I thought I could trust him. I was so new to this, and I felt I could trust him just for him to toy with me.
You look at him with tears in your eyes.
Y/N: he waited for me to get there while his friend hid, waiting for the perfect moment to throw me into a closet for the rest of the night.
Tom: shit, y/n.
Y/N: I know you would never do that to me. You're my best friend, but at that moment, I felt trapped in that closet crying for someone to let me out.
Tom: sometimes I don't feel like it, though I wish you would talk to me instead of running away.
Y/N: I know.
He takes your hand, and you both look at the sun going down.
Tom: anything else crazy happened in your life?
Y/N: yes, actually remember that time you helped me babysit.

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