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I asked you guys if you had questions about this book, the characters, or me. I got a few questions so this is a Q&A to clear things up. If you still have questions you want to ask please don't hesitate and I'll answer them in the comments💕

1.How did you come up with the idea for this book?

Well, it's kind of funny because I don't know. I was watching some Tiktok and there was this audio of the song Confident by Justin Bieber but slowed and reverb. A guy was trying to be sexy (hahaha it was cringe btw) and I was thinking: how hot would it be if Jungkook did a cover to this song since he loves Justin Bieber so much. And yeah the image of it didn't leave my mind until I got ideas of a karaoke bar kind of story. I wasn't even planning to write a book, I just had images and scenes in my head so I decided to write like why not?

2. Did you plan everything from the beginning?

I wasn't planning to write the book in the first place but more and more scenes popped up in my head. I had some of the chapters in my mind before I started writing and everything else just appeared afterward or are simply filler chapters. Images I had in my mind were, of course, the karaoke scene, chapter 5,8,16,26,32,36, and yeah that was it I think. I wanted the fire to happen but I didn't know why his father would do it. The reason for it came also a few chapters before the fire happened. Don't judge me for it but I feel like it's easier to write a book if I have its smut chapters ready beforehand. I know, I'm weird lol.

3. How did you prepare for this book?

I just started writing lol and that wasn't smart if I think about it now. But I know that if I hadn't started then, I probably never would have.

Did you guys know that I had published this book back in February last year? Funny right. I unpublished it because I was so insecure about it and I had found mistakes in the storyline (like Jungkook's birthday. I wasn't planning to make it that way but I realized I had already written about his birthday and it was still April in the storyline so I had to come up with something that would correct the mistake and why not make his father crueler than he is right? I hope it wasn't too absurd). The title was 'Confident' back then and I'm curious if someone was here before I unpublished it?

However, I thought 'hmm maybe writing is not the right thing for me' and the book wasn't doing well anyway. But my mind was always on this book that sat in my drafts for so long. And finally, I found the courage to publish it again (with a friend's help and motivation, I love you hihi) and I couldn't be any happier.

4. Who is your favorite character?

I love every character in this book to be honest (except Jk's father of course) because every main character has a special place in my heart. I cut a piece of myself and put them into Elaine and Jungkook. I wrote about things I couldn't speak about in real life, I let them speak for me. Some events in the book are even based on real-life experiences. That's also why this book will always be my fav even if I'm excited about the other ones as well. But to be honest I think I like Jungkook's mom Aera the most because she reminds me of my mom.

5. Your favorite chapter?

Oh, this is a difficult one lol. I think it's chapter 32 where Jungkook and Elaine fight, Jungkook finally confesses why he was behaving a certain way and they make up in the end. It's full of different emotions and it was also one of the chapters I had in mind before I even started writing. I was thinking about that chapter and listening to the song I put as the soundtrack and I'm proud of myself for how it turned out.

6. Your favorite Jungkook x Elaine moment?

Every moment! But maybe the last karaoke scene where they sing together?
I just love how pure their love is. They are loving and gentle. Always considerate. They know each other like they are an open book. You can call me childish or delusional but that's how I imagine true love. I know that no relationship is perfect but even if they fight they are still respectful and they apologize.

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