Part 22

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Thank God it's Friday again.

This past week has been so stressful for me, so I left work earlier than usual today. We have a project going on right now and I run it, so I have to put more responsibility and effort into it. We are about to hand over the project to a construction company so all the final retouching has to be done. For me, this means less sleeping and more working for the next three weeks until the deadline.

I couldn't really spend any time with Jungkook or Nora. It's not a big deal with Nora, because she is familiar with this from former projects, where I was also project manager. But it is new for Jungkook. We are new and therefore it was difficult for me to find time for him. But luckily we could see each other every evening, even if it wasn't that long.

Currently, I'm walking home from the train station, which fortunately is not so far away from my apartment. Sometimes I wish I had a car because that way I wouldn't have to take these crowded subways every day. But then I would have to endure the traffic jams every day and that means getting up earlier, which is not an option for me. Lost in my thoughts, I look into the store windows that I walk past every day, but still, find interesting how they always display new things. And that's when my cell phone rings tearing me out of my observation.

"Hey, Nora," I answer the phone.

"Hey, sweetie. What are you doing right now? I hope I'm not disturbing you at work," she asks and I can hear loud noises like music and people talking in the background, which is why I assume that she is out right now.

"I'm already out of work, so don't worry. I will be home soon. Why?"

"Ah perfect! I have a date with Alex today." she giggles and I hum smirking although she can't see me right now. "Yeah, we're going to that amusement park that just opened up."

"How cute. It reminds me of our high school days." I laugh.

"Right? Hey, listen, I actually called to ask if you'd like to come along with Jungkook. We could double date and Alex could meet Jungkook." I listen to her offer with enthusiasm. I haven't been to the amusement park for a long time and this way the two guys could also get to know each other. Nora and Alex are not officially together yet, but I can already see how things are going in this direction. And that's why it wouldn't hurt if the two got to know each other, we will definitely be spending a lot more time together in the future.

"That sounds fun, but I have to ask Jungkook first if he has time and feels like it. I'll call you right back, okay?"

"Okay," she sings and we both hang up.


"They're over there."

After Jungkook agreed to go to the amusement park with Nora and Alex, we headed off. We agreed to meet here and after a little search through the crowded stands and people, we finally found them. To be honest, I had to drag Jungkook here a bit in the beginning, because he just woke up from a little nap when I called him and was apparently still tired, but on the way, the excitement overcame him. He literally raced over here.

"Hey, you two." I greet them both as I give Nora a hug.

"Hey, man, I'm Alex." I see Alex extending his hand in the direction of Jungkook for a shake. Jungkook responds with a smile, taking his hand and also introducing himself with his name. The handshake takes a little longer than normal, but Jungkook finally pulls his hand back. He turns to me and looks at me questioningly but I shrug my shoulders and smile at him.

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