"Happy one year baby!"

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Two weeks had passed. Harry was back in London but I never actually got around to meeting up with him.

Life really did get busy. 

But everything seemed to be fixed in our relationship. The night I got back from Cheshire Harry video chatted me and apologized again and then everything just fell back into place.

Like nothing had ever been wrong. 

I was a sucker for his dimples. Honest it took me about five seconds to forgive him and apologize for overreacting and then Harry assured him he wasn't and apologized yet again. It was an annoying cycle.

I still saw that clouded look in his eyes every now and then but I was too afraid to ask, it was an odd thing to notice. 

We texted all the time, whenever we could. It was great. My Harry was back, Zayn and Liam were right. Kind of.

We were finally meeting up tomorrow, for our one year. I had requested time off from work in advance and Harry had cleared his whole day for me. I couldn't wait to see him. 

I had to plan it yet. I had an idea but I needed to run it by Liam, or Zayn. I'm not sure who would be best to talk to so I was currently stood in front of the door to their apartment, ready to barge in on them again.

Except I decided to be nice and knock.

It took about thirty seconds of my rapid fire knocking for a disheveled Liam to open the door. Shit. He did not look happy. 

His hair was everywhere. He seemed to have thrown on some odd blue bottoms and an inside out band shirt I was sure was Zayn's.

"Hi Li," I greeted innocently. 

He glowered at me.

"This better be important," he grumbled then stepped aside for me to waltz in. 

"It is," I mused and made myself comfortable on their couch. 

Zayn was nowhere to be found which I found odd. 

Liam sat on a stool in the kitchen since the two rooms were connected. He had a mug of coffee in front of him. 

"Go on then Tommo."

I rolled my eyes. "I need to run something by you-"

"That's all?" Liam looked pissed.

"It's for mine and Harry's anniversary," I explained.

His face softened, "let's hear it then."

I drew in a breath. "So erm, I was thinking I would tell him I loved him finally-"

"awww," Liam cooed.

"-and then we would, erm, well..'do it' you know," I spit out awkwardly.

Liam frowned, "well I think sex would be a given so I don't know why your running it by--oh my god," he gasped and stood up suddenly, "you guys haven't fucked yet??"

"No," I scoffed, "he's a minor technically-"

"-a technically age of consent minor-"

"-and I don't know, we just haven't gotten to that aspect of our relationship yet."

Liam was still gaping. "I cannot believe this Tommo, a whole year with this kid and you haven't bed him. You really must love him." He mused.

I rolled my eyes, "it doesn't bother me."

He laughed and muttered, "sure."

"Whatever you ass, do you think it's a good plan or not?"

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