Even my phone misses your call

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Harry hadn't called.

Hadn't texted.

Hadn't left fifty voicemails after I inevitably declined all of his calls that never came. 

Somehow I didn't get any angrier than I already was.

I got a hell of a lot more worried.

But I was still too angry to reach out. Whatever was going on I only wanted to learn about if Harry reached out and told me.

It was a week after the incident that he finally messaged me.

I was sitting on the floor as the tv played in the background, but my eyes were on my computer. I was supposed to be writing, something I had been putting off for awhile. But instead of focusing on the novel I had started to create I was only thinking of Harry and whatever it was that was wrong.

Then my phone dinged and I lazily checked it. 

A text from Harry.

I accidentally threw my phone up in the air in shock, then scrambled to catch it.

"Fuck!" I swore as I unlocked my phone, "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" 

'Can we talk?'

My heart thudded in my chest. 

He wanted to talk, finally. I smiled as I texted back, hopeful for the first time in a week. A refreshing emotion after days of desolation and depression.

That may be dramatic but Harry was missing from my life and that was how it felt.


Then my phone started ringing, Harry was calling me.

"Shit!" I cursed again.

I drew in a deep breath then pressed the accept button. Then I froze up, I had no idea what to say.

"Hello?" Harry said after a period of silence.

Well shit I should say something I guess.

"H-harry," I breathed out shakily, "Hi."

I could hear him exhale on the other line. 

Then a sniffle.

And another.

I didn't know what to say, Harry was crying. He was actually crying and upset and even though a part of me felt that 'fuck yeah he should feel bad' I just wanted him to never ever cry.

"I-I'm sorry," Harry cried.

My heart hurt so bad. I wanted to forgive him in an instant, without any explanation for his actions. That's how much power he had over me.

"I really f-f-fucked up."

"Shhh," I gave in, instantly trying to comfort him, "deep breaths okay?"

He listened, struggling to breathe in and out slowly.

"Is Niall with you?" I asked. 

"Uh-um," he still struggled, "yeah, he's here."

"Okay, I'm going to hang up then," I cringed inwardly, heart still hurting "why don't we meet up and talk once you've calmed down, sound good?"

"y-yeah," he whispered.

I sucked in a breath, hating every second of this, "okay then Harry, see you soon."

And I hung up before he could reply.


Third Person POV

The phone disconnected and Harry instantly broke into the sobs he had been trying to hold back.

Niall kept holding him tightly, he had been the whole call.

Harry kept trying to speak but he wasn't making much sense and his words were coming out all clogged from crying.

He had been like this since that morning.

When Harry was back to Harry, not mad or sad or tired Harry. Regular Harry who had to live with it all.

He had been confused at first, he had just been at Louis' he swore, not at Niall's place locked in the guest room.

Then Niall came and got him.

He had refused to tell Harry what had happened at first. But Harry begged and begged and Niall filled in as much as he knew, which wasn't a lot.

Instantly the curly boy knew he had done something bad, something very bad to Louis. Instantly he wanted to speak to his boyfriend who probably wanted to dump him, but Harry didn't even know what he would say. 

And he was scared to know what he had done.

"He hates me!" The first cry Niall could understand from the sobbing boy he was holding. His shirt was soaked by now. 

"I could hear it! He hates me now Niall!" Harry sobbed, "what did I do I know it was bad I wanna know what I did to him-"

He was ranting, hardly breathing.

"You gotta calm down Harry," Niall tried to soothe him.

"I can't" Harry's whole body shook.

"You have to."

Harry sat up so that he was staring into Niall's eyes. Niall frowned at the mess of his best friend. Red and puffy eyes and a snotty nose, even his curls were a distressed as he had been tugging at them.

"But Louis hates me," Harry sniffled.

"No," Niall shook his head, "he's just confused."

Harry looked at his lap.

"And rightfully so Harry, you haven't told him anything and he's supposed to be your boyfriend."

Harry wiped at his eyes shamefully, "he'll break up with me," he whispered. Speaking louder meant the possibility of bursting into more sobs.

"Harry," Niall sighed, "Louis is smart. He's knows something is wrong and he genuinely sounded concerned on the phone even though your last meeting wasn't pleasant. I think he'd break up with you if you didn't explain." He reasoned.

Harry knew Niall was right, but it was just so hard. He sat quietly for a minute or two just thinking and Niall let him.

Finally Harry looked up and met Niall's eyes, "I'll tell him," he caved. 

"Good." Niall smiled, "now text him to meet up."

Harry obeyed, shakily taking out his phone and clicking on Louis' contact.

He gulped just thinking about what Louis would say, how he would react. It terrified him.

He typed out, 'can we meet at the park in an hour?' and pressed send before he could back out.

'I'll be there'


Kind of a short chapter sorry about that.

I'm decompressing a bit, shits gone down. 

Next chapter will be...interesting.

Buckle up

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