Call me by your name

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Harry woke up twenty minutes later back as a teenager.

I assumed.

He just woke up and awkwardly shuffled off of my lap. I hadn't noticed his eyes had opened as I had been occupying my time by talking to Niall. 

Niall was actually a really cool guy. I hadn't ever sat down and talked with him before, most of the time when Harry and I hung out it was on the town or at my own place. But Niall was cool. He liked footie and we talked about our favorite teams for awhile. I also discovered that Niall was quite handy with a guitar and that apparently he and Harry would perform little songs here and there.

I made him promise to perform for me some time and even suggested he meet Liam and Zayn. 

Then Harry wiggled out of my lap to sit beside me. 

His sweet face all red from embarrassment and probably also flushed from his nap.

"Hey love," I spoke to him softly and he seemed to blush harder. "How are you feeling?" 

Harry shrugged, "fine I guess...sorry about all of...that."

"No apology is necessary Haz," I assured and wrapped an arm around him. He seemed to hesitate before snuggling into my side.

"Do I even wanna know what happened?" Harry asked.

I looked to Niall. He was watching me and Harry curiously.

"It wasn't bad mate," Niall spoke up, "you sure made a mess of the place though."

Harry sat up suddenly and looked around the room. Eyes wide as he saw all of the thrown and broken items.

"Oh my god Louis I am so sorry!" He rushed out all panicky.

"Don't worry Harry-"

"No I trashed all of your things Louis!" Harry exclaimed, "you can't say it's nothing!"

I took one of his hands in my own and started to rub it lightly, hoping to calm him down. He just stared at me with his pretty green eyes all wide.

"It's all just 'stuff' Harry, I care way more about you than a partly tasteful lamp." I kissed his hand softly and his face relaxed a little bit. "Besides love, you can't control it, it's not your fault it's that other guy, the angry one."

"You're basically the hulk, Harry!" Niall suddenly exclaimed. "You become this uncontrollable, angry monster-" 

Harry flinched a little at his words.

"-but in reality you're just a really sweet, puny guy."

"Hey! I'm not puny!" Harry argued and Niall just laughed.

Harry looked to me, pouting his lips out.

I smiled, "of course you're not puny Haz," I assured, "in fact, in a few months I bet you'll be way taller than me and I'll have you carry me everywhere when I'm lazy."

He giggled cutely at that.

Then his face grew somber and he stared self consciously at his lap. 

"We have to talk about it now."

"Talk about what, love?" I asked.

Harry was still avoiding my gaze, "my, um, personalities I guess. I, um, what I came here to, you know, what I came to talk to you about." He stuttered out slowly.

"Already told him everything he needs to know," Niall cut in. 

I forgot he was here for a second, but alas the kid was lounging in my chair with a bag of crisps that he obviously stole from my cupboards. Twat.

"You did?" Harry asked smally.

Niall nodded, "Yep, I mean I figured I could since you told me it was alright the other day."

"Thank you Niall," Harry breathed out in relief.

"Of course H, you know I love you."

My boyfriend just grinned wider at Niall and curled closer into me. "Sorry for being clingy," he murmured, "just tired I think."

"I don't mind, obviously you're tired, you've already been two other people today and it's hardly evening."

"I'm tired from dealing with angry and little Harry," Niall complained.

I scoffed, "you weren't even here for the messy part Niall."

"They have names," Harry piqued up suddenly.

I frowned. "Who do?" 

His cheeks flushed, "um...the other guys," Harry tried to explain but I was still confused. "You know...angry me or whatever." He seemed extremely shy to admit this, like it was a huge secret.

I let him continue on.

"Erm, you refer to him as angry me I think," Harry started, staring only at the floor, "but his name's actually Edward-"

"Hold on," Niall interrupted.

Both Harry and I looked to him.

"You mean to say that this whole time that fucker has had a name??"

Harry's gaze returned to the floor and he shrugged helplessly.

"This whole time I've been trying to curse him out and you mean to say I could have made insults out of his name too?!"

I rubbed Harry's back, he seemed a bit nervous.

"I don't like to use his name out loud," Harry whispered. 

Niall slumped, I don't think he had actually been mad at Harry. 

Just at Edward.

"Sorry Haz," Niall apologized, "I'm not mad at you I swear, just surprised."

Harry nods slowly.

"And little you?"

Harry actually looks to me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"His name, when you're all cuddly and everything," I explained, "me and Niall thought that you became like a one year old or something."

Harry shrugged, biting his lip hesitantly. I could tell he was really embarrassed and uncomfortable and I felt bad for pestering him.

"Um...I don't know  much I guess. She doesn't really talk-"

"She?" Niall questioned and I shot him a look.

Harry nodded, "yeah I think it's a she, but I don't really know, like I said." He buried his face in his hands, "I'm such a weirdo, insane, just a complete freak," he whimpered.

I instantly held him closer. "You're not a freak Harry," I assured but his body was shaking from small sobs, "Niall and I love you to pieces and nothing can change that."

"Yeah," Niall added, "I was just confused is all, I don't know much about this whole thing,just figuring it out as we go."

It took a few minutes but Harry was calmly sniffling and able to talk again.

"Wanna tell us her name? You don't have to love, just if it's easier," I prodded gently.

Harry nodded his head and looked shyly into my eyes. "Um...she's quite attached to you I guess...from the bits I know, um...."

"It's okay, take your time."

"Well Lou...she calls herself Louise."


OKay tell me if this is too weird and I'll change it.

Sometimes I get really out of it and can't think right.

Today is one of those days, I keep forgetting about basic things and just not functioning right.

I'm a mess.

WHat's new.

Sorry for the wait.

I have a great idea, could hurt

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