Life gets hard and it gets messed up

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"Louise?" I questioned.

Harry shyly nodded.

"That's so cute," I cooed. I mean it was a bit messy, my boyfriend has multiple personality disorder and one of his personalities is a girl who calls herself after my namesake, but in some twisted way it was heartwarming.

Harry just blushed further.

"Oh so you have a personality in dedication to this twat and not me?" Niall scoffed. He was obviously joking. 

"Louis has been much nicer to my personalities than you," Harry retorted.

"Well when you throw a jar at my head I lose a bit of my patience!"

I tensed, thinking Harry would retreat into himself at the mention of his more vicious alter ego but he just laughed.

"Niall don't beat yourself up too much, my kisses are just epic."

"Oh so if I start making out with Harry I could get a personality dedicated to myself too?" 

"No you'd just get a punch to the balls," I retorted while bringing Harry in closer to myself. He giggled softly.

I felt like we shouldn't all be having a laugh about Harry's mental issues but it seemed to be the only thing we could do. Harry was, well, Louise hardly a half hour ago and we were all just teasing and joking around. 

And Harry was still hurting.

We were joking about a mental disorder that Harry had developed as a coping strategy for something I had yet to hear about. 

I felt sick.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Harry asked, poking my side lightly. I realized that it was silent, Harry and Niall must have stopped conversing while I wasn't paying attention.

And now I had those wide green eyes staring worriedly at me.

"Nothin' love," I assured and lightly kissed his forehead. He stayed pressed up against my side even after I released him. Harry even wrapped his arm around my stomach.

"Ugh!" Niall groaned, "that's enough couple time for me. I'm leaving!" He announced.

Harry immediately sat up and away from me, "noo, you don't have to go Ni," he whined. 

"It's alright Harry," Niall said as he collected the items he had brought over and headed towards the door, "you'll see me soon anyways," he assured. 

Harry pouted and leaned back into me.

"You two enjoy each other!" Niall called as he shut the door and I swore I heard him mutter lowly, 'I really need a fucking girlfriend.'

Then it was just Harry and I, again.

Hopefully he won't go apeshit again...


Two hours later and all seemed to be well. 

Harry and I were curled up watching 'Love Actually.' Harry was being a bit quiet and clingy but I assumed it was because of all of his personality shifts today. It had to be tiring, not that I knew much.

"You're the best boyfriend ever," Harry murmured softly. I knew he wasn't watching. Knew his head was spinning and thinking and just exhausting itself. He had tugging at his curls lightly which was a clear sign he was stressed and anxious but I had just let it happen because he hadn't had a lot of time to be alone with his thoughts. I wanted him to come to me first.

"I think that position is already filled by you," I replied and kissed the top of his head, but as I leant down he spun his head to look at me and kissed me instead.

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