Another Piece

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"What the hell just happened?!" Harry shouted. He had leapt from my arms and was standing in the middle of the room, obviously panicked.

I was too shocked to answer.

"Harry!" Niall cheered, "you're back!"

Harry's eyes widened and he glanced at me nervously, "back?" He gulped, "did I..? Did I hurt you again?" He asked quietly, obviously referring to me.

Finally I was out of my stupor. But all I could do was spring to my feet and engulf Harry into a hug. My arms were completely wrapped around him as I pulled him to me, he slowly hugged back.

"you scared me," I whispered. There was a lump in my throat, I was so overwhelmed. "I'm so confused."

"Alright," Niall interrupted, "let him go now Louis."

I squeezed Harry once more before finally letting go and stepping a bit away from him.

"It's getting late isn't it? Probably time for you to go home Lou," Niall suggested.

I gaped at him.

"You're shitting me right?" I asked and crossed my arms. 

Niall just shrugged and ran a hand through his blonde hair. He was nervous. He was hiding something.

"I'm not leaving until I get some answers," I said defiantly, "I think I deserve that."

Niall scoffed, "it's not up to you mate, it's up to Harry and Harry obviously doesn't want to tell you."

I raised a brow and turned back to Harry then instantly rushed to him.

He was practically about to fall over. His eyes were drooping and unfocused but I think he was holding his breath.

"Harry!" I exclaimed and held him upright.

He groaned and I brought him over to the couch to sit down.

"Harry please tell me what's going on," I pleaded.

I didn't expect him to start crying.

"Nice going dipwad," Niall muttered and I shot a glare over to him.

"I'm sorry Lou," Harry said softly.

 I shook my head, "just tell me what's going on. You're scaring me," I whispered, "you've been so different recently."

Harry sniffed and finally made eye contact. His green eyes were sparkling with tears. 

"You're gonna hate me." He muttered.

I shook my head again, "never."

Harry paused, obviously contemplating whether to spill or not and I just waited patiently. He finally drew in a breath. "I-I have multiple personality disorder."

I frowned, "what does that mean?"

"Uh-um, sometimes I-um-basically have these episodes where-um- I become a 'different person?'" He sniffed, "b-but I can't control when it happens and I don't even remember most of these 'episodes."

My eyes widened.

Of course.

It made sense.

Why he got so angry for no reason, why he shut down at the park, it was all-

"Louis?" Harry asked, his voice vulnerable, "please say something..."

I swallowed, "Harry I'm so sorry, I wish I had known-"

"I didn't tell you Louis, you were never supposed to find out," he huffed, "I was supposed to just get over it but then I...then I hurt you...I'm so sorry Louis."

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