How to Manage

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"Twenty bucks he wakes up as normal Harry."

I smacked Niall's shoulder. "We're not betting on my boyfriend's well-being," I grumbled.

Once I had realized that my curly haired boyfriend had fallen asleep in my arms like the angel he is, I sat down on my couch and positioned him comfortably in my arms. Where he was still cuddled into my chest, which was a bit awkward because we were essentially the same size if not him starting to grow taller, and his face was pressed into my shoulder. I could feel his soft breaths on my neck and it constantly melted my heart.

"Well there's not much else to do," Niall grumbled unhappily, "and I really don't think Harry would care."

"I can't believe Harry is friends with you."

"Believe it, if I was gay we'd probably be dating. We're like this mate," Niall brought his index and middle finger together, "you're lucky I'm straight or you'd be a single man."

I scoffed, "I really don't think you're Harry's type. Also, I thought you were gay."

"What? How?"

I almost shrugged but didn't because I didn't want to disturb Harry.

"I don't know I just got this vibe from you."

"A vibe? A gay vibe?" Niall asked, growing more concerned.

"No, a dumbass vibe." 

"Shut up Tomlinson." Niall grumbled, then he started whining about something but I wasn't really paying attention. Too focused on my sweet boyfriend in my arms.

He was so cuddly

and warm

and - oh god -- wait

"Shit!" I cursed quietly, Niall immediately stopping his whining to look at me with concern, "he's peeing again!"

Niall's eyes went wide.

"Oh fuck!"

I sat up helplessly, "what do I do?!"

"I don't know?! Bring him to the toilet?"

Panicked I stood fast and rushed over to my small bathroom. 

By the time I actually got there, Harry seemed to be done and unfortunately was starting to wake up.

And cry.

"Niall!" I shouted and the irish lad rushed to me.

"Is he normal again?"

"Stop saying 'normal' to refer to Harry!" I snapped, "and obviously he's still small he's wailing for god's sake!"

Niall mumbled something that sounded like, "he wails when he's 17 year old Harry too," but I ignored him. 

"Is this going to be an issue?" I asked Niall as I sat Harry down on the shower floor. He cried harder and started to reach for me in a panic. I almost picked him up again but he needed to be cleaned, so my heart broke as he sobbed.

"What?" Niall asked, "him becoming a one year old randomly? Because I think we've already established that.

I shot him a glare. He wasn't helping at all, just standing in the doorway with a bored expression. Like he didn't care about little Harry, only the Harry that he was best friends with. But I didn't dwell on Niall's mentality -- I was grateful and I'm sure Harry was too that Niall was still supporting and taking care of Harry. 

"No, I'm talking about the whole peeing thing." I told Niall as I knelt beside Harry and started to undress him as innocently as possible.  

"Oh." Niall was silent for a moment. "Nappies?"

I scoffed and reached over to turn the shower on a low setting. "I doubt Harry would agree to that."

"It'd just be when he' this, as soon as he gets all small we can just change him."

I sighed, Niall had a good suggestion, but I didn't want to deal with it all at the moment and instead went back to focusing on cleaning up my little boyfriend.

He had stopped crying but was still sniffling and staring at me with cute, green eyes. I just wanted to wrap him up and hold him to my chest forever.

The whole time I was washing him up he just stared at me, Niall had left to get a towel and some clothes (after asking me where everything was and me making a remark about him finally helping).

"Hey Hazzy, you're all cleaned up now," I spoke to him softly and tickled under his chin.

He giggled cutely.

"you're just a cute little baby huh?" I asked and he continued to laugh, "just a small little boy all nice and clean and ready to get dressed again."

"Got it!" Niall came rushing back into the bathroom with everything in his hands. I grabbed the items from his hands to see him smiling, "I can't believe I'm saying this because of how odd it is but, you two are just too cute!"

I smiled fondly at Harry and he started to reach for me again as I apparently had gotten too far away by walking to Niall.

"Don't worry little Haz, I'm just over here talking with Ni."


"Give me a break, what else am I supposed to refer to you as? Niall? He's one I think?"

Niall barked out a laugh and Harry flinched at the loud noise.

I rushed to my baby and stroked his hair.

"It's alright little lad," I cooed, "just Ni being obnoxious like always."

I felt a sharp pain in my back as Niall lightly kicked me.

"Rude," he muttered and I just rolled my eyes.

Harry tried to copy my actions but failed cutely and I laughed.

I had Niall watch Harry as I quickly changed my own clothes, and when I returned, Harry had started to cry. But he instantly quieted when I knelt back down beside him.

It took an unreasonable amount of time drying Harry. He kept squirming around and Niall had to come help -- but not without complaining about seeing Harry's bits.

Then even more time trying to get him into a pair of my sweatpants and sweatshirt. Especially because I knew for a fact that teen Harry felt restricted in clothing, and baby Harry had something to say about being  forced into clothing.

He pouted and whined and even swung his limbs around to show his anger but it seemed that even though Harry wasn't actually a baby, he had the strength of one. And all of his protests had seemed to tire him out further because as soon as he was all clothed and I had brought him into my arms again, Harry had cutely yawned and snuggled into my chest.

"He really is cute," Niall said as I carried Harry over to my couch again and sat down. 

"Back off Horan," I joked and he playfully hit my shoulder.

It may seem odd to be holding your boyfriend as he falls asleep on your chest, and you have just finished cleaning pee off of both of you, but it didn't matter what happened as long as Harry was in my arms.


I'm kinda at a standstill

Idk how to move on with the story

any suggestions?

I'm also very very tired and stressed and overwhelmed so my brain isn't thinking right. 

Sorry for my little break, as I said before I was really busy and hardly home. 

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