The thing about Harry

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"Niall! I need you to come over right now!" I screamed into my phone.


"YES IT'S FUCKING LOUIS WHO ELSE??" I yelled, "Get your ass over here now!"

Scrambling from the other line. I think he got into his car, or at least I hoped. 

"What's going on?" Niall questioned. His car started. Good.

I ducked as a book came flying at my hand, "it's Harry! He's-he's angry again! I don't really know, he just keeps- ah!" I shouted as I narrowly dodged a picture frame. It shattered against my wall and glass rained down on my floor. "He's yelling and throwing things!" I explained quickly.

The irish boy let out of string of curses that I didn't pay attention to as Harry was still throwing whatever he could get his hands on.

Just as I dove behind my kitchen table, Harry screamed out. 


I cautiously peaked my head out from the counter as I faintly heard Niall say, "what was that?" on the other line.

Harry had fallen to the floor in a heap but was clutching his foot tightly. Curses were flying from his mouth.

"I-is everything alright?" I asked timidly.

Harry glared at me and snarled, "I got fucking glass in my fucking foot!"

"Well maybe if you weren't throwing breakable things that wouldn't have happened," I muttered to myself. 

Harry was still wincing in pain on the ground and I swore I saw blood dripping from his hand.

So I made a dumb decision and cautiously stood up.

"I'm gonna get a first aid," I told him.

No response.

I slowly walked to him with a kit in hand. He stared at me with wide, wild eyes. 

It wasn't until I was half a foot away that he spoke.

"Stay the fuck away from me you sick creep!"

I tried not to react, he had been saying stuff of the likes for the past ten minutes, but it still hurt. It hurt to hear the snarl and menace in my usually sweet boyfriend's voice. But at least I knew what was going on.

"I'm just going to clean your foot," I basically whispered. I was stood by his foot that was being harshly grabbed by his hand.

"You're going to have to let go," I instructed him.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He snapped.

Yet he slowly released his foot and let it hang in the air for me to examine.

I quietly examined his foot. It was bleeding, but only a bit, but there were many tiny little shards all over. I sighed, this would take a bit.

"I'm gonna take the glass out, okay?"

"Fuck you," he growled but I just ignored him and started to sterilize the tweezers I had found in the first aid kit.

Fuck this was definitely going to hurt and he was definitely going to lash out. 

I sucked in a breath and decided to just go for it. Nimbly supporting his foot with one hand, I quickly plucked out small pieces of glass that were a ways away from the main wound.

Harry was silent. I was too scared to look up at his face so I just focused on the task on hand.

Three minutes later and I had gotten it all out of his foot, and he still hadn't said a word.

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