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"What did you do to him?"

Of course Niall would accuse me as soon as I stepped out of my own car.

He was out on his lawn, obviously having been waiting for us after my phone call. The blonde boy had his arms crossed and eyes squinted.

"Nothing, why would you assume that?" I muttered as I walked over to Harry's side. He hadn't made any move to get of the car so I assumed I would be carrying him again. He must have been in some sort of shock...that would made some sense.

"Well you said Harry didn't get angry or do anything to you so you must have done something to him," he reasoned.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I didn't do anything," then I glanced at Harry's whimpering form, "at least I don't think I did."

Niall scoffed and I figured he was about to go on some fiery rant but I wasn't paying attention.

Harry was pulling at his hair again and I immediately opened up the car door and unbuckled him.

"Don't do that Haz," I whispered as I pulled him onto my hip. He immediately latched on and burrowed his face in my shoulder so that I got a face full of curls.

I turned around and Niall was gaping.

"Why are you carrying him? Do his legs hurt? Harry did Louis hurt your legs?" 

I huffed and walked past the boy into his house, the irish kid quickly followed.

"Harry are you okay?" Niall asked, obviously worried about his friend. 

Harry was sinking and I quickly adjusted him in my arms. My t-shirt started to feel wet and I remembered why I had called in the first place. 

"Erm..."I awkwardly started, "any chance you have some spare clothes for Harry? And me too I guess..."

Niall frowned, "why?"

Harry started whimpering loudly again. I started to rubbing up and down his back lightly to soothe him.

"We just need a change of clothes okay?" I snapped. Niall flinched and I felt bad but I was just tired and confused and really really worried.

The irish boy nodded and retreated off somewhere before returning two seconds later with a bundle of clothing.

I thanked him and asked for the bathroom which he quickly showed me.

"Alright Haz, let's get you out of those clothes okay?" I set him down on the edge of the tub. He almost immediately fell backwards but I caught him and set him down on the ground so that his back was now against the tub. "Can't have you falling there love." I said sweetly.

Harry remained mostly silent besides the occasional whine falling past his lips. He wouldn't meet my eyes but I knew it was because he was crying. He was always too timid when crying.

"Do you want me to help or do you got it?" I asked when Harry hadn't made a move towards the new clothes and I had already replaced my shirt.

I took his silence as meaning he wanted help and instantly started working his clothes off of him, trying hard not to stare at his body. He was my boyfriend, sue me.

Once I had his pants off I frowned, I couldn't just put him into new clothing while there was still pee on his legs. Gross.

So I rummaged around the bathroom to acquire a washcloth then wet it and started wiping the poor boy down. He was still sniffling but at least now his chin wasn't all tucked into his chest. He was actually watching me as I cleaned him up.

"Alright, now pants," I muttered to myself after being satisfied with my job.

It was pretty easy to dress Harry, his limbs were limp and he just let me do whatever. I assumed he was still in a weird form of shock.

"There we go!" I cheered after he was all dressed in Niall's clothes. Which were just some sweatpants and a black t-shirt. 

Harry smiled cutely then reached out for me like he wanted me to pick him up. 


Definitely not something he would have down a few weeks ago but I just rolled with it and hoisted him up on my hip.

"Feel better Haz?" I asked him as he started playing with my shirt, fascinated by it.

He just hummed and I let it be.

When I walked with Harry back in my arms to Niall, I could tell he was just as confused as I was to see Harry this way.

The irish boy motioned for me to sit on the couch as this probably would be a long discussion and I obliged, settling Harry on my lap so that he was curled up against my chest.

"Harry?" Niall asked but got no response besides a quick wide-eyes glance in his direction. "Why won't he speak?" Niall asked me instead.

I shrugged. Harry was still playing with my shirt and not seeming to notice us discussing him in front of him.

"He hasn't said hardly anything since I first met up with him."

"The park right?" 

"Yeah," I confirmed.

Niall was silent for awhile, clearly thinking about something. I wanted to ask but figured he would spill sooner or later.

"Did something happen before he started....whatever this is?" Niall asked, gesturing to Harry who now had part of the collar of my (Niall's) shirt in his mouth.

"Erm..." I blushed thinking back, "I was a bit mad-"

Niall opened his mouth but I plowed through.

"-I didn't yell at him though, I swear! I was just confused and angry because of our anniversary and how he..." I drew in a shaky breath, "anyway, Harry said he didn't remember what happened and I said it was bull and then he started panicking because he apparently couldn't believe he had hurt me--"

"--Harry hurt you?" Niall interrupted.

I nodded and wiped away a tear I didn't know had escaped, "he got all angry and grabbed me and, um, basically th-threw me to the wall." More tears, my cheeks were pink.

Harry whined and nuzzled his face into my neck and I couldn't help but laugh at the ticklish feeling of his breath on my neck.

"Wow," Niall breathed out, "I can't believe he would do something that drastic," he muttered almost to himself.

I collected myself to continue, not sure about the next part really. 

"Anyway...Harry started to hyperventilate and I was really worried so I just kind of held him to me and then...well..." I wasn't sure if it was right of me to continue or not because Harry would definitely be embarrassed but Harry wasn't 'Harry' right now and it was important for Niall to know what was going on fully so that he could help. "He, erm, wet himself."

"What?!" Niall's eyes bulged.

Harry shifted on my lap again and I felt a bit guilty as he whined.

"Then he just got all quiet and numb basically and I carried him to my car to bring him here." I summed up.

"Wow," Niall breathed out, "this is really weird."

I nodded in agreement. 

Just as I opened my mouth to ask Niall what to do, Harry leapt out of my lap.

"What the hell just happened?!" He exclaimed.



cliff hanger

anyways I've had a crappy day and I was supposed to do some math homework but then I just mentally could not. My brain just couldn't process the equations anymore. Luckily I had a bit of time and now I can kinda write again. Although its kinda a bit fuzzy.


or whatever timezone you're in

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