High What's up

688 21 7

TW: pot brownies


Harry didn't message me for about a day and I let him. I needed time to think anyways. I spent practically the whole twenty-four hours researching his disorder and learning all I could about it.

The more I learned the more it hurt.

Harry was suffering.

But a year ago he wasn't like this.

I know we weren't super close -- it took a whole year to say 'I love you' -- but I felt pretty confident that this was s new thing.

Something that had happened because of a traumatic event.

And that thought scared me.

What had happened to my sweet, innocent boyfriend Harry? What had he suffered to make him like this.

The thought kept my head buzzing.


I was snapped out of my head by my apartment door bursting open and a familiar pair of dorks running to me.

"I missed you so much!" Liam cheered as I was engulfed into a hug. 

"Ehm....I believe I saw you yesterday..." I muttered and slowly hugged him back.

I stared questioningly at Zayn as he stood a few feet away, watching his boyfriend with a concerned eye. Said boyfriend was currently squishing his face into my the side of my face and sniffing.

"You smell so good Louis, I know you use girl products."

'What's up with him?' I mouthed to Zayn.

"He ate all the pot brownies."


"Shhhh," Liam brought his hand and squished my mouth shut then started to sway. I had no choice but to let him drag my every which way.

But I was just glaring at Zayn the whole time.

"How the fuck did you let that happen?" I questioned.

Zayn huffed, "I was making two batches, two very different batches of brownies, because Liam had called from work saying he had a rough day and we were out of our pot brownies too so I thought I'd just kill two birds with one stone-"

He paused to pull Liam off of me as he started to lick my cheek and I grimached. 

"-Liam why don't you sit down and count the floorboards-"

Liam instantly dropped to the ground flat on his face and started humming.

"God," Zayn said, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "Anyway, long story short I got the brownies mixed up and now there's regular brownies in my freezer and pot brownies in him." He pointed to his boyfriend on the floor regrettably. 

I sighed, "God Zayn, at least he's not throwing up or anything."

"I know I know," Zayn muttered, "I thought I would just wait until it leaves his system but then he started chanting for you and wouldn't shut up so I brought him here but nothing has changed he's still acting the same." He started to pace around Liam. "I really messed up. Liam's gonna hate me."

It was odd seeing Zayn so blatantly worried. He always seemed to be the most collected of us three but when it came to his puppy boyfriend, shit got real.

"Don't beat yourself up mate, Liam's going to be fine," I assured. "Now help me get your high boyfriend onto me couch before he completely passes out." 

Zayn gave me a grateful smile then took position near Liam's torso. Meaning I had his feet. Together grasped around him and heaved him over to the couch. 

The whole time he stared wide eyed at the ceiling muttering something about "the lights!"

Once Liam was lying mostly peacefully on my couch, I turned back to Zayn.

"Wanna drink?"


It wasn't until after Liam had passed out that I got a text from Harry. 

All it said was, 'Want to meet? -H'

My fingers flew over the keyboard. 

'yes, when?'

Nearly five minutes of me staring at my phone before I got a response.

'Would it be rude to ask if I could come over tomorrow after school?'

I smiled at his sweetness. Usually I would tease him for being timid but it felt too risky, like I had to be careful of what I said because of everything that was happening. 

So I simply replied with, 'you're welcome anytime Haz. Do you need a ride?'

"No, I can walk from Niall's'

I frowned. 

Harry was staying at Nialls?

I wonder why...

"What's wrong?" 

I looked up from my phone to see Zayn looking at me.

"Nothing," I shrugged, "just talking to Harry."

Zayn scoffed. "Did he explain why he was such a dick the other day?"

"Um..." I bit my lip, "yeah he did."

A raised brow.

"We just got to clear a few more things up," I explained, "I'm not mad at him though, but I really never was, we're meeting up tomorrow anyway."

Zayn nodded. He was sitting with Liam's head in his lap and protectively stroked his hair. It was a bit amusing to watch but also very sweet.

"I hope you guys work it out," Zayn commented after a while of him just gazing at his boyfriend.

I frowned, "I thought you hated him?"

"I don't hate him," Zayn smirked, "I've hardly even met this kid. I only get my information from you."

"But the other day-"

"He hurt you Lou," Zayn interrupted, "I don't like people who hurt you," he sighed, "but I'm willing to give him another chance because I've listened to you gush about this boy for over a year and I know you're right when you say he would never intentionally hurt you."

I smiled.

"And," Zayn added, "I know he made you really happy and I can tell that he still does, so I'm willing to forgive his grade A asshole move."

"Thank you." I was smiling so wide it hurt.

My best mate no longer hated the guy I was dating and I was seeing said guy tomorrow to fix our relationship.

Life was clearing up again.

Or so I thought.


SHort and late chapter


I'm very tired and I definitely should not be writing right now. I should be sleeping .

I'm gonna regret this in the morning.

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