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I RECLINED BACK into the cold leather of my sofa and flipped my finger across my phones screen, instantly finding Blair's contact pinned at the top. I clicked on the facetime icon and dialed her number, resting my phone on the coffee table and wrapped a blanket around myself.

I anxiously waited for her to pick up the phone, because I certainly had a lot of important information to ask her about. She finally picked up the phone and I watched as she struggled to put the end of her headphones into the jack, instantly making me smile.

"Hi, B." I smiled at her, making her snap her attention back up to the screen. She took the headphones and threw them off to the floor beside her, eventually giving up.

"Fuck that. I don't have time for that." She laughed at herself, throwing her phone onto a pillow so we could talk. The sounds of the fabric rubbing against the microphone sent a small shiver down my spine, but I ignored it and pressed on about what I really called Blair about.

"So, how's your hotel stay with the big guy?" I giggled as Blair chewed the side of her nail, immediately stopping as I said the word 'hotel'.

"What hotel? I'm not at a hotel." She obviously lied. I continued to laugh as a small smile creeped across the corners of her mouth as her cheeks began to blush a crimson shade.

She used her nail to scratch the side of her face and stared out of the window with a serious sigh as her smile faded.

"Just tell me what's wrong, Blair." I replied quietly, my brows furrowed with confusion. She took the white hotel comforter and brought it up to hug her shoulders. She continued to stare out of the window and small tears welled up in her eyes.

"I broke up with Pete." She answered quietly as silent tears fell onto the sheets below her. Shaking her head she ran her fingers over the pillows that lay beside her, unbeknownst to the figures behind the glass window outside.

"Aw, Blair.. I'm so sorry baby. What happened?" I cooed, watching her large brown doe eyes soak up with tears as she hit her nails to distract herself from crying.

"I don't even know, Vic. Harry was dropping me off from set at me and Pete's house then when I went inside, he had this whole fancy ass setup and was asleep on the couch. Long story short, he was gonna propose to me and was mad that I came home late. Turns out he's still incredibly insecure and jealous of Harry." She breathed out quickly, obviously embarrassed.

"No no no. Hold up. He was going to propose?! " I exclaimed, clasping my hands over my mouth then immediately realizing that probably wasn't the best reaction to have.

She nodded slowly and threw her head back into the headboard with frustration. A knocking sound alerted my best friend who quickly rubbed her nose and turned around from the bed with a fake smile.

I couldn't exactly make out what was happening, given the fact that the camera angle was only set on a small portion of the hotel bed. However, I was able to piece together the basics of the situation thanks to the TMZ article that was published last night.

I could hear the faint sound of a deep british accent and immediately rolled my eyes, thinking back to all of the times I had seen blair cry over this exact same person. Blair pressed her lips into a thin line and crawled back into the bed, wearing only a small white cropped shirt and a pair of shorts.

She stared up at Harry who was still out of frame, but I could practically feel his presence nonetheless. His tall figure wandered around the hotel room behind the bed as he began to gather things into his bag.

He glanced over his shoulder to watch Blair speak on the phone with me, almost waiting for her to spill some more sort of secrets or inside information that was being 'hidden' from Harry. I was positive he had seen our previous conversation from his place at the random window, and wanted to listen in and hear more.

"Fuck off, Harry. I wanna hear about her album." I rolled my eyes sarcastically as I waited for a reaction from him. I didn't call about an album, but I supposed I could ask about the release of it since I helped write half of it after all.

He smiled to himself faintly as he recalled the previous nights' events. He looked back at the bed then moved closer, playfully pushing Blair out of the way to speak to me on the phone.

She hugged her knees to her chest and laughed loudly, falling off of the edge of the bed as Harry made himself comfortable in what was Blair's spot.

He cleared his throat rather dramatically and wrapped the white fluffy comforter around himself.
"Nice to see you too, Vic." He answered sarcastically, pressing his lips together into an awkward smile.

Blair stood up on the bed beside him and pretended to use her foot to kick him off, but instead plopped her body down beside him and sat with her legs crossed.

Seeing Blair so happy with him honestly made me so happy. Even if things didn't end the best with Harry, none of it was his fault, nor was it Blair's, and I think that was something we all needed to take a step back and realize.

"About the album." She sighed and grinned at Harry who shoved her slightly and pretended to hit her with a pillow. He smiled and looked at her phone whilst Blair began to speak about her new album.

"I decided on a name, and I'm releasing it in the next couple of days." She smiled and her face instantly began to light up as she spoke of things she was passionate about.

"Whats the name?!" Harry and I both shouted at the same time, making Blair's cheeks flush red. She laughed and placed her hand over her mouth in an attempt to muffle the sound.

"Alright, if I tell you guys, you need to promise to not ask a million and one questions after." She pleaded somewhat seriously.

harry let out a dramatic gasp followed by an eye roll. "Me? Asking a million questions? Never!" He pretended to be in shock. It was so easy to see how comfortable he made Blair, and pretty much everyone around him.

"Yeah, you. Now shut up so I can give a preface before I tell you the name." She laughed as Harry rolled his eyes once more. Their banter made me smile, and I didn't even have to ask anything to know that Blair was truly happy.

"So we all know I wrote this album as a release and as my kind of therapy, and it honestly helped me get out of a really shitty place mentally and physically." She began to explain. "And Vic, I really appreciate you for helping me through everything and going to the studio with me every day to write this shit. I can't thank you enough for being my best friend and getting me through this time." She smiled.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to my best friend of 10+ years recall the past year, and reflect on all of the shitty and unfortunate things that happened to her. I smiled and nodded; a subtle affirmation for her to continue her small little speech.

"So as an ode to healing, love, and light, I decided to name the album Get Well Soon. "


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