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WITHIN a matter of twenty minutes, the small blonde and tall brunette were seated at opposite ends of a long deep purple couch, reading over the last few bits of their scripts before their auditions.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry eyed the small girl carefully, making sure she was okay. He still cared about her, after all they'd been through. he tapped his pen against his knee has he watched Blair chew the end of her own anxiously, waiting for her name to be called.

Auditioning for the roll of Kylie Storm would never be easy. From glances at the rest of the thick script, Blair could detect that Kylie was complex. Her personality's makeup was so much more than skin deep.

Blair related to the character, in a way. Having to feel like you constantly aren't good enough or aren't pleasing enough people is not easy.

Kylie storm, Blair Klein.

"Alright, thank you, Alyssa." Dave Hemmings finished, shaking his head and waving off a small brunette woman.

He moved closer to his assistant Megan, rubbing his temples with frustration and anger. Megan waved her hands up and down, suggesting for the director to breathe and relax.

Blair took her eyes off of the pair and shifted them to the left, resting her gaze comfortably on Harry. His long curls draped over his eyes as he read over his script several times, assuming his turn to audition was next.

Blair continued to watch as he fidgeted with the rings on his fingers, a tendency Blair began to noticed he only had when he was anxious.

Blair stared down at her own two manicured hands and began to rub her ring finger, although there was nothing there. No trace of the rose ring that Harry had gave her all of those months ago. She had removed it, along with the necklace he gave her.

Blair watched as Harry arose from his seat and adjusted his pullover sweatshirt, his eyes growing wide as he made eye contact with the blonde.

"Blair? It's your turn. You're auditioning with Harry." Dave smiled weakly, gesturing for Blair to take to the set decorated as Kylie Storms bedroom.

She sprang up from her seat and adjusted the bottom of her little black dress, her heels clicking across the studio floor as she rushed to her spot next to Harry on the set. He gave her a small wink as she turned herself around to face the directors and set workers as she felt her heart palpitate.

"Don't ruin this for me." She muttered through gritted teeth, taking her anger and frustration out on the tall man beside her. Harry smirked slightly, brushing his hand against Blair's arm before putting both hands behind his back, giving his full attention to Dave.

"So for your audition," Dave began to say, looking at his own script below him. "I just need you guys to read the lines on pages thirty-three through five, and do exactly what the script says to do." He smiled, bringing his gaze back up towards the pair.

The height difference astonished him, almost a foot between the two. He smiled at the sight of them, as they each looked almost identical to how Dave and the writers had pictured Kylie Storm and Julian Grant.

Blair and Harry flipped through their scripts, eyeing the lines carefully. Blair's acrylic nail stopped on one particular line as she stared at Dave, motioning for him to listen to her.

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