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"The album is spectacular, oh my God. I'm so proud of you." I told Harry and gave him a hug. There were actual tears in my eyes when Falling ended. The song was so raw and so emotional, Harry has really outdone himself with this one. Not to mention the fact that this man literally wrote it in 20 minutes. Possibly less. The album wasn't done, but it was coming along. Sophomore albums are important, possibly more important than debut albums. Everyone always expects you to outdo yourself. And he really, truly did.

I ended the mini-review thing because I was just being an emotional wreck and it probably wasn't helping. "I know. I'm the best." Harry said and flipped his non-existent long hair. He got up to get bottled water inside the mini-fridge inside his bedroom. "You know, I really miss you talking to your fans on Twitter," I told him as I scroll on his Twitter profile. He was very playful on social media before.

"Eh, I don't really like social media. I don't even have the app, if I'm being completely honest. I deleted it again." He smiled and winked at me. I slapped his arm playfully and played with his hair. He will be leaving later for a party his management team arranged for final promotions of Harry Styles the album before he enters this new era he's been working so hard on.

There were a few of our friends and some celebrity colleagues who said they would attend. Harry invited me yesterday to the party but honestly, the last thing I want to do is get on a plane and fly to a party right now. Even Harry himself isn't excited by the thought of it, so he just told me I should stay home after the conversation.

I was scrolling through my notifications and doing my daily liking spree when this particular twitter thread caught my eye.

THEHOTCELEBNET: NEW || Candids of #blarry from last night. @ BlairKlein @ Harry_Styles. Is it too much to ask for a relationship like this one? ❤️

THEHOTCELEBNET: Uh oh, looks like it's not only pictures that we got for #blarry. A fan video is going around the internet last night of @ Harry_Styles being aggressive on a dinner with @ BlairKlein #WhatHappened #MenAintShit *video link attachment*

"Haz, there's a video from last night posted on YouTube," I told him, he quickly got up from his spot on the couch and looked at my phone screen. The video was muted clearly taken deeply out of context. There was live music playing and Harry had to shout to talk to me over the music, but the uploader seemed to want to make Harry the bad guy here and cut specific clips to make it seem like I was getting yelled at.

I scrolled down the comments section and saw that there were a lot of fans coming to his defense and a lot of haters as well. The fans were saying that the video should've had audio and they were also saying that Harry was talking to me. The haters, however, were saying that Harry is disrespectful towards women and deserves all of the shit coming his way. If they only knew what really happened behind that video.

I felt so infuriated, because I of all people would know that Harry would never raise his voice at anyone, let alone be guilty of all of the things people were now accusing him of. I guess I understood why he chooses to stay off of social media. All of this mess is exhausting.

"Let's ignore the video, for now, they just want attention and we're not going to give them that." He said. He always sounds so mature and his reassurance made me smile. There was a knock on the door and Victoria's  voice was heard from behind the door. I opened the door and greeted her, she reminded me of Harry's flight later. She went inside and said 'hi' to Harry before raiding my fridge. Victoria grabbed a slice of leftover cake from the last management party one of us had and greeted Strauss and the other dogs. I laughed to myself as she scooped Strauss into her arms and carried him out to the back patio with her cake.


"Are you sure you have everything?" I asked Harry, adjusting the collar of his polo. "Yes, B. I've triple checked more times than I can count." His face curved into a lopsided grin and I stepped back to admire him. "What?" He asked. "You're just so.. tall." I laughed then kissed his nose and smiled at him. "There you go, looking handsome as always." I said and offered Harry a comforting smile, because I knew how nervous he was. 

"Jesus, B. I'm so going to miss you." He said and marched towards me before wrapping his arms around my upper half and planting a kiss on top of my forehead. "I know, and I'm going to miss you too. I love you a lot, and this is going to be great for you." I said, closing my eyes, savoring the moments that we had left together.

"Can't ever seem to get enough of you, so how do you reckon I'll last a month?" He told me, hugging me tightly, burying his head into the right side of my neck. I stepped away and arranged my hair, composing herself. "Now Mr. Styles, you wouldn't want to miss your first class flight, would you you? The earlier you go, the earlier you'll come back home to me." I laughed a little to myself as Harry rolled his eyes and pushed my chest back as I reached out again for him jokingly.

"Huh, be honest. You just want my ass out of your way so you can have the house to yourself," Harry joked. The way he said the house made my heart flutter a bit. "My house, might I add." He smiled at me, stopping himself from getting too emotional and quickly thought of a change of topic. "I probably must go, though. Kelsey called me 3 three times to remind me of my flight." He said, pushing his phone back to his pocket, scampering to his bags before walking over to me and planting a very brief kiss onto my lips. 

"Be safe, Harry. Make good choices. See you." I told him with a smile. "Goodbye." He said and winked. He walked towards the gate and pretended to throw a kiss over his shoulder, to which I fake gagged and walked away, without him.

ps! i have a new harry
styles oneshot book
out if you'd like to
give it a look :)

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