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BUT what Blair always failed to understand was that pete always heard her cries in the middle of the night. No matter if she stifled the noise with a pillow, 'silently' left the room, or assumed her tears were quiet, Pete always knew when his girlfriend was hurting.

The burning ambiance of her hurt and pure pain floated to Pete and woke him awake, every single time. Blair never noticed this, though, because she instead chose to wallow and soak in her negative thoughts and emotions.

Pete knew there was a fairly large part of Blair that was still in love with Harry, although she would never admit it. It bothered him that she still kept his clothes, kept his contact name on her phone labeled as ' my moonlight 🖤' and still talked about him.

But to Blair, Pete was a distraction for the time being from all of the failed relationships and tumultuous interactions around people she had dealt with in her life.

And although she would never confess to it, Pete knew he was a distraction. He knew deep down that Blair only needed him for the time being.

But rather than bringing it up, he bottled his true feelings and continued to love Blair until she loved him no more. After loosing her important relationships, Blair felt the only thing she could control was her calorie intake.

She had developed disordered eating habits while coping with the loss of her beloved people, and restricted everything she ate.

As someone that felt she had no control or direction in life, one of the only things she felt she could be in charge of was her calorie intake, and the constant number in her brain tore at her confidence and self image.

Pete rolled over slightly on the bed, wrapping his arms around his girlfriends tiny waist and pulling her in tightly in an attempt to drown out her tears and numb her pain. As she felt pete's touch on her skin, her cries began to become less loud, but the pressure grew higher, and her uncontrollable sobs contorted her face into a mangled mess.

She brought the back of her small and bony hand to her eyelids and began to wipe them profusely, attempting to calm down by herself and convince herself she was going to be okay.

Pete knew exactly what she was crying about. he didn't even have to ask, yet he understood it all perfectly.

During the day, whenever he would bring up the insecurities and issues the couple dealt with his girlfriend in an attempt to work the issues out, she would brush him off and announce that he didn't need to worry about her 'emotional baggage' that she carried.

Blair knew how understanding and good Pete had been to her, yet she hated herself because she knew that Pete wasn't the one for her. She knew how much it broke his heart to hear her sobs over them, yet she stayed with him, simply because she feared of being alone.

She loved Pete, but it was a different type of love. It wasn't natural and unforced. It was complicated and almost like a filler.

Deep down, she knew pete heard her cries. She knew pete understood she was hurting. Yet, it didn't stop her from ending it all and running back to harry.

She couldn't. She figured she was stuck with Pete, and tried to love him, although she could barely even love herself.

if it was anybody else, she knew the couple wouldn't last a day. as much as the two didn't work, at the same time, they also matched.

If it was anyone else going through the situation with Blair, the pair wouldn't even last a second, and the relationship would crumble.

It was an internal dilemma that Blair had almost every day. Even if she wished Harry was laying in that bed next to her instead of visiting her in her dreams, she had so much to look forward to with Pete.

Pete was so good to Blair, and she knew that. It came down to how much longer she could keep up her act.

On the other hand, there was Harry, and how Harry was dealing with the loss of it all.


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