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HEELS clicked across concrete studio floor, the small girls 5 foot stature creating a dark shadow amidst the bright studio lights.

In front of me sat two folding chairs, labeled with the guests names. I sat in my own plastic chair, typing quickly onto a laptop and recording their every movement.

The other guest was nowhere to be found. The girl didn't seem to be worried about it, though, because she pranced around the set, making conversation and joking with all of the crew and studio members.

She still wore the costume of her character Kylie; a skin tight tan dress with black louis vuitton heels. Her tight ponytail swished in all different directions as she talked to the director, waving her hands around and jumping up and down excitedly.

The director motioned to me, letting the girl know that I had arrived. A look of pure joy spread across her tanned face as she ran over to me.

She greeted me with a tight hug, instantly complimenting me and making me feel welcomed.

"It's so nice to meet you, oh my God!" She cooed, taking her seat in front of me in the folding chair with her name on it. "It's a pleasure to meet you! I've heard so much about you." I announced.

She nodded her head vigorously and laughed slightly, placing a hand loosely over her mouth in an attempt to stifle the loud laughter coming out from her tiny body.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked, motioning towards the seat where the boy was supposed to be
"No fucking idea." She sighed. She shook her head with a pained expression, as if she was trying to knock the thought of the boy out of her head.

Behind us, the large studio door clicked open.

With that, the girl turned her head backwards and made eye contact with the individual that entered, her eyes lighting up with pure joy.

"Baby!" She squealed. Her body quickly rose up from the chair and her heeled feet ran to the man, leaving me behind.

She stood on her tip toes, reaching up to the man that stood about a foot above her. He placed a kiss onto her lips, wrapping an arm around her waist gently.

The pair stood at the studio door and talked, both in no rush to complete the task that I was here for.

Behind me, the boy came.

"Hello. Sorry, I had to deal with something." He sighed. He walked up from behind me, staring at the happy couple in front of us. He expressed a look of jealousy.

"It's no problem, really. She's in no rush, either." I laughed slightly. The boy didn't even bother cracking a smile. Not even one to make me feel some type of validation.

He sighed once more and plopped onto the folding chair with his name across the fabric, keeping his eyes on the girl and the man.

The girl and the boy then made eye contact for the first time.

The boy blinked several times, then turned his head, breaking the contact between the pair.

The girl swallowed hard and kissed her boyfriend goodbye. She walked particularly slowly over to where the boy and I sat, in no rush to see either of us.

She eventually reached the small area where the two of us sat. The boy stared at the ground, refusing to look at her.

She awkwardly pulled down her tight dress before sitting down beside the boy in her folding chair.

"Are you both ready to begin?"


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