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"REMEMBER when we first met, Harry? " Blair asked her boyfriend, her small head resting comfortably in the warmth of his lap.

"I do." Harry smiled, soaking up the time he spent with the girl he loved and adored most. "It's crazy how we got here, isn't it?" Blair sighed with a soft smile, looking up at her boyfriends' bright green eyes.

That particular shade of green grew to be her favorite color. A serene color that calmed her and put her mind at ease. When she looked into his green eyes, her thoughts and worries dissipated and left her alone for those few seconds when her chocolate ones met his.

The soft yet slightly rough fabric of his denim pants caressed the back of her head and neck, wrapping her in a comforting warmth as the two watched the sunrise in front of them.

"Crazy is a word you could use, but I'd say magical." Harry responded, his deep dimples showing up yet again across his slightly tanned skin. Blair then turned her attention back to the view of the park in front of them, taking in every slight detail that panned out.

She treasured moments like this with Harry, as he would be leaving for the tour soon, and she wouldn't be able to come along for every show he had planned.

It pained her to leave Harry, but she understood that it meant a lot to him. After all, it was his first solo tour since leaving his former band.

"Do you see them?" Blair asked Harry, motioning towards an old couple in the distance, who were also enjoying the sunrise.

"That's gonna be us one day. I promise." Blair smiled. A look of pure bliss spread across Harry's face as he processed what Blair had told him.

"Pinky promise?" Harry asked, pointing his pinky finger a few inches in front of Blair's rosy cheeks. "promise." She smiled, interlocking her small pinky with his fairly large one, at least in comparison.

"We have so much to look forward to!"  Blair began to cheer, sitting up from Harrys' lap and joining him on the picnic blanket they had brought.

Harry raised his eyebrows and murmured a soft 'hmm' as an affirmation for his girlfriend to continue listing the upcoming things the couple had to look forward to.

"Well I mean we have your tour after the release of your album, then my possible tour for Supernova, and then we have the baby to look forward to! " Blair cheered excitedly, taking hold of her partner's muscular hand.

To Blair's surprise, a look of pure confusion spread across Harry's face, as if he had no idea what Blair was talking about.

Sensing his strange demeanor, Blair pushed on about the last part of her sentence, sensing maybe that was the cause of his utter confusion.

"Our baby! Four and a half months now, Harry! don't be silly." Blair laughed, pushing at Harry's shoulder playfully.

"Blair.. " Harry began to whisper, turning his body so that he could directly face his girlfriend.

"what, Harry? " Blair scoffed. she was beginning to grow annoyed. how could harry forget about their baby they just had together? the light of both of their lives?


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