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THE camera crew was sliding around the front of the stage to keep focus on Blair and Harry while they opened the Late Late Show. The other cast mates would be brought out in a few minutes time, and Blair had gained an astronomical amount of confidence since walking out onto the stage, partly to blame on the fact that the stage was half of her home.

"Hi everyone!" Blair exclaimed happily as the audiences applause began to die down to listen to what Harry and Blair had to say.

"I'm sure you're wondering where James is, mostly because I'm not any of the three B's." She continued on, using the scripted jokes that the producers and writers had her memorize backstage before the taping.

"Big, blonde, and British." Blair said calmly, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. The audience erupted into a fit of laughter, to which Harry let out a soft chuckle beside the small brunette. Blair sweetly smiled at the response to her joke, and Harry continued on with his scripted lines.

"James is with his wife at the hospital, as his wife is currently in labor." Harry began to explain to everyone. The audience let out cheers and claps for James and his wife, clearly happy for them.

"And so James rang me and Blair, and the rest of the Heartbreak Weather cast, and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the night with all of you beautiful people." Harry finished his line, making the cheers grow even louder. The pair was having so much fun hosting the show, they completely forgot any anxious or nervous feelings they had prior to the filming.

"Now that you know what's going on, let's start with our first segment of the night." Blair replied after Harry was done, to which Reggie and the band began to play music beside them, signaling a change in topics. Harry and Blair made their way over to the desk that James usually sat at, getting comfortable and ready to start.

"I have to be honest, this isn't exactly how I pictured my day planning out." Harry replied with a lopsided grin, making Blair next to him giggle.

"We were all sitting at home, and got the call that Jules was going into labor." Harry began to say, grasping the audiences attention. "So, James naturally called the funniest guy he knew to help him out with this wonderful show." Harry finished, slightly teasing Blair.

"And he wasn't around, so James called and asked me. Harry came along for brownie points." Blair teased Harry back, making him fake roll his eyes dramatically.

"Whatever the circumstances are, I'm extremely excited for this opportunity, and I think I speak for Blair as well when I say that. Now, without further ado, we are going to participate in a breathtaking segment of comedy. A truly mind-blowing masterpiece! The comedic revolution of the 21st century! Please welcome, Dogs in Sunglasses!" Harry announced dramatically, making the audience laugh as the title sequence flashed across the screen, Reggie and the band making a musical tune that went along with the short introduction clip.

"Here is the first dog we have." Blair began to announce as she held up a picture of a a golden retriever in a cowboy hat and sunglasses.

"He looks like he came straight out of a Billy Ray Cyrus music video." She joked, nodding at Harry next to her. The audience let out a loud burst of laughter, the sound of which was music to Blair's ears.

The feeling of validation was so overwhelmingly comforting to her, and to be able to know people enjoyed her jokes and presence gained her even more confidence.

"He was the star of the video!" Harry added, waving his ring-covered hands around dramatically. The audience laughed and clapped again, making Harry grin with satisfaction.

"The next dog we have looks like a Michael Jackson remix, if I do say so myself." Harry added, holding up another picture of a golden retriever, this time wearing a fedora and colored sunglasses.

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