Chapter 5

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The picture is what your wearing later on. It can be whatever Color u want tho. Just to tell you. Enjoy the chapter.

I shut the bathroom door and pushed Atsumu away. "What was that about?" He raised an eyebrow. Osamu came up behind me. "Looking a little red there aren't you," Atsumu laughed at me. "Atsumu I swear to god." I said walking away. "What's going on in here." Osamu came up behind me. "It's nothing ok?" I yelled a bit. They both laughed. "Somebody's got the L word." Osamu whispered at my ear. "OSAMU YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE!" I yelled pushing them both away.

I stormed upstairs to my room. "What do they know their just boys." I mumbled. This is one of the times I wish I had female friends, boys just don't understand anything.

What does it matter if you love him, he doesn't love you. The voice started again. This voice always said negative thing to me, stuff that I'm insecure about. I usually gave into the voice, I mean it's right isn't it? I made it to my room and took of my long sleeve top. I could see all the bandages. I hadn't done them up in a while. I took of the bandage and looked at the scars. I had stopped a while back but they often started to bleed. I wrapped them both up again and changed into my Jinbei. (Nightwear)

  I walked back downstairs and told all the boys to shut up. They looked at me and shrugged their shoulders. I walked back upstairs and took out my computer. I scrolled through some random stuff then I saw a group of girls. They seemed to be having so much fun together. Smiling and matching clothes. I looked at it and felt like crying, what would I do to have that? I continued to look at pictures of groups of girls. They all seemed to be having fun. Would having some girl friends be bad?

I turned off my computer at around 11- oh shit it's 2. I got up and walked downstairs. No one would be up at this time but I checked to make sure. After I didn't see anyone I went back upstairs and changed my clothes. I put on a skirt that was around my knees and a baggy jumper. I went downstairs and walked out the door.

It was dark out and the only thing lighting the way was the faded lights and the moon. It was beautiful, I walked along the road staying on the lines of the path. I balanced myself there and kept walking. I walked all the way to the park and looked around. No one was near so I went up to the big tree to my left. I climbed up to the centre and looked around. The park was sort of isolated so no one except me would be around. I leaned back a bit and looked at the sky. The moon was just above my head and it was a full moon. I smiled, my life is perfect why would I want to change anything?

Sitting on the tree I was tall, like really tall. I relaxed completely letting the cold air fill my lungs. I was breathing deeply, in and out. Over and over again. I heard a voice calling me from the bottom of the tree. I looked down and saw Kita. "Y/n I was going on a walk and saw you so I thought I'd come over." He said trying to smile a bit. It was a small smile but at least he was making an effort. "Hey Kita, what are you doing up?" I said standing up. I was about jump down but ended up slipping. I must have twisted my ankle because it was really sore. I fell off the branch and from this height I would probably hurt my feet. I closed my eyes and turned away my face. I fell for an oddly long time just waiting for my feet to hit the floor.

I braced myself for impact by curling into a ball. I knew the tree was tall but this is huge. I finally felt something on my back and legs. It was a weird position to land my legs and head were higher then the rest of my body. My hands banged off against whatever was holding me up and the cuts began to hurt. I pulled my hands towards my chest cowering my head down as well. My eyes were still shut and my leg was still in pain.
Words: 774

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