Chapter 23

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Narrator POV

His arms were wrapped around you as I apologised for everything. He didn't know what to do. Who would? He wanted to tell you everything would be ok, that it would be fine. He really did.

But the way you cried in his arms, the way your voice cracked, the way he couldn't do anything. He didn't know what to do. From the bottom of his heart he really did love them, so why couldn't he bring himself to help them?

He felt an aching from his chest, one that hurt yet he was in perfect condition. Was this what love was really like? His grip slowly tightened on their small body.

"I'm sorry..." The words that used to be speaking every few seconds had slowed. "I'm... Sorry." They repeated again. "Y/N..." He finally managed to get a word in.

"I'm sorry." They ignored him and continued to apologise. "I'm..." He waited for the 'sorry' but it never came. He couldn't hear their sniffles anymore, he couldn't hear anything anymore.

"Hey, Y/N." At first he thought he was delusional. "Y/N." He repeated. "Hey! Y/N!" His voice got loud, filled with worry. He turned their body around to face him and looked at their face, blood.

It was the first thing he noticed. From their nose, ears, mouth a stream of blood had gushed down their face. "Y/N!" He was yelling now shaking their body rapidly trying to get a sign of life out of them.

After looking closer at their face he noticed it wasn't their usual (S/C) skin, it was much more pale. They really looked like a ghost considering that they were usually a (S/C) sort of colour. Barely stopping to think he called the ambulance. He'd never experienced this before, was this what he was meant to do?

"Hello!" He was shaking now. His hand couldn't stay in place while he talked to the man on the phone about what was happening and ambulance was being sent over at the time. He had taken his eyes of their pale, bleeding face.

The man on the phone could tell that he was frantic, worried, scared. The man tried to calm him down but it was to no avail.

Kita had gotten a cloth and was trying to wipe away the blood on their face. The cloth was ripped, dry and ended up only smearing the blood down their neck and chest. He was crying now, ignoring everything and anything the man said.

Right now he wasn't able to calm down, he wouldn't let himself. His mind raced as he tried to think back to what he'd done.

LWas it me?

He hadn't even realised but he was no longer holding the phone, his hands had let it drop long ago. Should he call their brothers? Will she be alright? A-

His doorbell went off at that moment. He picked up the small, blood-covered body and carried them to the door. He bit his lip as he walked through the halls holding the teenager close to his chest.

Thump thump. Thump thump. He could hear a heart beat loudly, he stopped. That wasn't theirs, it was his. He quickly lifted the body towards his ear and listened for a heart beat.

Nothing. He ran to the door and opened the door suddenly and saw a few paramedics waiting for him. One of them was a woman, she was tall. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She looked down at the body in his hands.

She had looked oddly relaxed when he opened the door but when she saw Y/N's body she became panicked. "Get the ambulance open!" She yelled back.

All the paramedics split after that, some running to the ambulance others running towards Kita and Y/N. "Are you related?" One of the paramedics asked. "Are they going to be ok?" He asked looking past the paramedic that was talking to him.

"Hey kid. Answer the que-." Another paramedic was trying to say. "Vic!" The first paramedic shouted looking back at the other paramedic. "Look, we need to know what you are to her." The paramedic softened his voice.

"They... They're my partner." He mumbled still looking past the man. "Does she have any parents near?" He asked. "No!" He yelled remembering what had happened when Y/N had met her father.

"No.." He went quiet. "Parental guardian?" They asked trying to find an adult. "I-I don't know." Kita wasn't sure what to say. "Atsumu, Osamu." He whispered pulling out his phone to dial in a number.
"Hey kid what're you doing?" The other paramedic asked. Kita ignored him and focused on the ringing of the phone trying not to worry about Y/N. "Hello? Kita?" Atsumu asked.

"A-atsumu..." Kita stuttered. "Kita! What happened?" Atsumu yelled. For a second he went silent thinking of how to brake the news to him. "Meet me at the hospital." Kita decided not to tell him instead leave it until they were in person.

He hung up the phone after that not wanting to listen to Atsumu blabbering on about all the questions he had. "Sir please come with us." The paramedic led Kita to a seat in the ambulance.

He couldn't see Y/N anymore, they were sitting in the front driving to the hospital. Everything was silent throughout the drive until Kita asked them about Y/N. "Will they be... Ok?" He whispered looking down at his legs.

"Don't worry." They reassured him. "If you don't mind. Could you tell us what happened?" One of them finally asked. He nodded slowly and took a breath.

"It was yesterday evening when I found out. They came to my house." Kita started to explain all about what happened after that.

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