Chapter 9

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Sorry about not writing a chapter yesterday I just didn't have any time. I will probably be posting 2 chapters today or tonight. Enjoy the chapter.

Time skip to Monday morning. You went to sleep around 2 but got some sleep anyway here is the chapter .

My eyes fluttered around for a bit and I hopped up out of bed.

Stupid coffee I didn't get any sleep last night so thanks a lot.

I got changed into my uniform and walked downstairs. I made it to the kitchen and started to make some food.

Atsumu ran down the stairs first. I had just finished making breakfast so I brought it over to him. "Thanks," he said grabbing the bowl. Just then Osamu ran down the stairs tightening his tie.

"Have some breakfast." I said pushing a bowl across the table. "Th-mmm-thanks." He said gulping it down.

We walked out the door towards the school. Monday morning, first class English. "Alright see ya at lunch." I said to them turning the corner. "Yep." They replied. I walked past the classes of people talking. We were only gone for two days what is there to talk about? I asked myself walking to my class.

"Y/n hey." I heard a voice as I made it to class. "Oh hey Suna." I said turning my head towards him. I walked to my desk. I dropped my bag at the side of the desk and pulled out the chair. Suna sat down beside me and Yúto walked in the door. He walked up and sat behind me. "What happened to you." Suna asked clearly seeing the bags under my eyes.

"Coffee." I answered bluntly dropping my head between my arms. Yúto started to laugh behind me. I picked up my head and turned around. "20 laps." I said pointing my finger at him.

He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something but closed it after seeing the look in my face.

I pouted as the teacher walked in and earned a laugh from Suna. The lesson started and we started our test.

You know, I thought I studied this but these questions aren't like what we were learning.

At least I'm smart.... who am I kidding watch me fail this.

I finished up my test and passed it up to the teacher. Stupid teacher why did we have to do these tests.

I sat back down and looked around. Suna had finished his test and Yúto was just passing his up.

We walked out of the classroom heading for the next class. Suna took a left while Yúto and I walked towards the social studies classroom.

We finished up the school and I walked out of the maths class with Osamu. We walked towards the changing rooms. We split directions and I walked into the female changing room.

I walked into the gym a bit after the rest of the group. I looked around and saw Yúto just standing around. "YÚTO LAPS NOW." I yelled. Suna laughed again and Yúto started his laps.

I told them to do some simple drills and told them at the end of practice we would do a match. This got Atsumu and Osamu hyped and they trained well. We played the match and were almost finished training when I told them about the training camp. I had called the manager to call the parents so they were all able to go.

I walked back to the changing room and changed into the school uniform. Kinda stupid I forgot my spare clothes and the sports clothes weren't comfortable especially after training.

I walked home with Atsumu and Osamu. "Why was Yúto running laps." Atsumu asked. "He was laughing at me." I said crossing my hands and started pouting. They both started laughing.

We made it home and I made some dinner for them. I walked out of the kitchen and headed for the bathroom. "You guys can eat without me." I called to them closing the door. "Alright." Atsumu yelled.

I let myself cave against the wall. Dropping down to the floor. My leg was still sore after I had twisted it. Walking around after getting it hurt probably didn't help that.

For the next week my routine was basically the same. Wake up, class, training, food, sleep. Well sometimes coffee is a bitch.

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